How to Create a Kin Paper Wallet

Kin Ecosystem
Kin Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2020

In a previous post detailing Kin Migration for Token Holders, one of the suggested options included sending your Kin to a paper wallet.

This post is a short guide for generating a Kin paper wallet. There is also a video created by one of the Kin community members that outlines this process: Creating a Kin Paper Wallet.

If you have access to a Ledger device we recommend using a Ledger hardware wallet. Link to instructions here.

Why create a paper wallet?

A paper wallet is a good option to safely secure your Kin offline. You can use this option to self-custody your Kin. Once you have done that, this gives you the choice to subsequently send your Kin to any of the supported wallets or exchanges, later.

What is a Paper Wallet?

A paper wallet is an offline mechanism for storing cryptocurrency. The process involves printing the private key on paper to eliminate the risk of anyone gaining access to it through a connected device. It is a version of a cold storage wallet. This is similar to a Ledger wallet which stores the private key on-device but never shares that with the network and remains offline.

Note: Storing cryptocurrency in a safe and secure manner takes patience and informed decisions. Do not rush through this process. Take your time and do not skip steps. As stated in the MyKinWallet site terms of use, accessing your Kin account directly via a private key is not the recommended method, and by agreeing to these terms you are assuming all of the risks involved.

Step 1

Generate a public and private key by using Once you have generated these addresses, write them down on a piece of paper (i.e. paper wallet). Store the private key somewhere safely where only you have access to it. We recommend recording this twice and storing in two separate places.

Note: the private key generated using this tool never leaves your machine, so it can not be intercepted.

If, however, you want to do this process yourself, you can generate a public and private key by going to Kin Laboratory selecting “Public Network”, and hitting “Generate Keypair”. From there, you will need to send a transaction with a “CreateAccount” operation to the public address that you just generated. This will onboard your account to the blockchain and make it active.

Step 2

Send a small amount of Kin to that address to verify it can receive Kin. Visit the Kin Block Explorer and enter your public address to verify that your Kin has arrived.

Step 3

Transfer the remaining Kin to that address, being careful to verify that the address and amounts are what you desire. Remember, with cryptocurrency, you control your own wallet and transactions cannot be reversed, so you should be cautious in handling your funds. As a general safety “good practice”, it is customary to break down large sums into multiple separate transactions.

Using Your Paper Wallet

Now that your Kin is safely stored in a paper wallet, you can access it anytime you want using your private key. You can also use, as the interface to the Kin Blockchain.

In Chrome, check that the website is valid by clicking the little lock to the left of the url on the address bar and then selecting “Certificates”. Make sure there is a valid certificate for . Once this is verified you can click on Key Pair / Paper Wallet and follow the steps to access your account.

MyKinWallet is an interface to the Kin Blockchain. It is a non-custodial web wallet that allows you to interact with your Kin Wallet that is accessed either via a hardware wallet or through your paper wallet. MyKinWallet will be updated to interface with the Solana Blockchain after the migration. Note that there is currently a cap of 100mm Kin that you can send via MyKinWallet. This was a limitation inserted on MyKinWallet, which is the interface to your Kin wallet on the Kin blockchain. This is not a limitation of your wallet itself. You can send as much Kin to your newly created address as you like. There is no cap on the amount of Kin received.

For more information, you can also view this video tutorial created by one of our community members:

We continue to work with additional wallets leading up to the migration and will update the list on this page, as they are confirmed.

