Introducing: Kin Ecosystem Team

Kin Contributors
Kin Blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2018

We are back at it as we introduce the next team in our Kin stratosphere: The Kin Ecosystem. After we revealed to you the faces of our Standalone App team, we dove right in and asked our next group to get creative and pull out all the stops. We even have a few different languages floating around in this introduction post so get your google translate ready as you meet the next integral component of our Kin team!

Noa Kessler

Noa Kessler, Product Manager

Noa has been a part of Kik for just over a month now. Her previous role was at IronSource where she was responsible for product innovation, planning, and development in the Advertiser’s Division. When she’s not at work, she designs and sews clothes whilst obsessively listening to true crime podcasts.

“हस श्वसिहि मंदं गच्छ च.”

You can follow her on Linkedin:

Yohay Barsky

Yohay Barsky, Technical Domain Owner

Yohay is interested in areas where advanced technology and ingenuity collaborate with product to achieve the best market fit. Experienced in harnessing team’s effort, dedication, problem solving and out of the box thinking to continuously deliver great products.

When he’s not at work he’s practicing yoga and occasionally surfing (when the world aligns perfectly).

Keep it simple.”

You can follow him on: LinkedIn, Medium

Lior Aviram

Lior Aviram, Senior Web and Backend Developer

Lior is an innovative web developer and technology evangelist who has been living and breathing technology since the age of 7. He’s been with Rounds/Kik for more than 5 years and has worked on everything from mobile and web products, to browser extensions, to the core video infrastructure. Lior has over 14 years of experience in the hi-tech and technology industry, 7 of which were focused on web with an emphasis on front-end development and strong UX awareness.

“Don’t be stupid”

Doody Parizada

Doody Parizada, Head of Backend

Doody has been at Kik and Rounds for almost 7 years. He has touched all parts of the product, but his main focus is on backend, architecture and handstands. He’s a top notch Software Engineer, who believes that programmers and code can live in harmony. He is familiar with multiple programming languages such as C++, Java, C# and Python.


Avishay Leuchter

Avishy Leuchter, QA Team Leader

Avishy is the first QA guy to set foot at Rounds before it became Kik Israel.

He mostly likes to smile, say hello in the mornings, chit chat over coffee, make his own lunch, and find out what is not working well in the product and for some odd reason he actually gets paid for that, go figure…

When he is not at work, or on his way to or from work, he loves to play and watch sports, relax in front of the TV, and just chill with his loved ones!

“Breathe in and breathe out as much as possible so you can make it to the following day. The rest will sort itself out.”

Oren Zakay

Oren Zakay, Sr. Android Developer

Oren holds Android in his heart and has a Kotliner soul. He likes to explore new tech and experience the entirety of the product. He focuses mainly on the client side, but is coding also in Go and Python.

When he’s not at work, you will find him learning new stuff or having a beer and watching TV.

“Быть самим собой и брать от жизни все”

You can follow him on LinkedIn.

Elaz Yifrach

Elaz Yifrach, Sr. iOS Developer

Elaz is a Rounds and Kik veteran (since 2011). His main focus is on iOS but also loves product as well. His passion is guiding users to the right direction with the right set of tools, including users of his own code.

When he’s not at work, you can reach him at 555-dont-call, no but seriously, he’s probably putting his two sweet girls to bed so call quietly.

“Give me six cups of coffee and I’ll give you a motto.”

Elad Weizman

Elad Weizman, Product Designer

Elad has been at Kik and Rounds for 4 years as a Product Designer.
After a decade in this profession, he is trying to keep an open mind and learn new things every day. His day-to-day work is designing a user experience and interfaces.

He is an early bird, music junkie, amature painter, basketball player, and occasional gardener.

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”

You can follow him: In real life

