Kin Community Rewards

Rewarding Contributions to the Development of the Kin Ecosystem

Kevin R Ricoy
Kin Blog
3 min readApr 21, 2020


Working together to succeed together — that is the philosophy behind Kin. Recognizing Kin’s belief in a more fair digital world where everyone is rewarded for the value they create online, the Kin Community Council has proposed a way to reward contributions to the Kin Ecosystem of all shapes and sizes.

The Kin Foundation has approved a 500M kin quarterly trial to be divided among a number of community members for their contributions at the Kin Council’s discretion. The Council will also be using this trial to further develop the scoring rubric for the potential ongoing community rewards program. This incentive model would unlock the greater Kin community to contribute and grow in the same way that the Kin Rewards Engine accelerates the growth of apps in the ecosystem.

Contributions to Kin

To kick off the program, thirteen contributors with 16 entries have been identified for compensation by the Kin Council. This list is not meant to be a comprehensive inventory of all contributions by any means, but rather to function as a way to fast-track compensation to a small number of dedicated longtime contributors, in order to get this process started.

You can view a leaderboard of community rewards participants along with an outline of the underlying scoring rubric, which is still a work in progress, at

  1. Asparagusm

2. kin_carls

  • KRE 2.0 Quick Guide
    One-pager for developers of all sizes to easily understand how to maximize their rewards with KRE 2.0
  • Monthly Infographics
    Monthly infographics that mark the statistical growth of Kin in real-time.

3. Chancity

  • KinExplorer (Tool Launch)
    Launch of a free-to-use and fully-featured Kin Block Explorer.

4. KovaKoura

  • Kin Promote (Chat)
    Dedicated active chat channel for Kin supporters to keep up with and share the latest developments.
  • Kin Community (Chat)
    Dedicated active chat channel for Kin supporters to discuss general topics.

5. kidwonder

  • Kin Bubbles (Tool Launch)
    A visual tool that shows transactions and their size on the Kin blockchain in real-time.

6. throwawayburros

  • KRE Policy Alert
    Community member alerted others to a vulnerability in the KRE logic that needed to be addressed.

7. mosadialiou

8. WeviNest

  • KRE Policy Alert
    Acted as liaison to KRE alert from within the community by posting to GitHub and expanding on the alert, leading to a fix.

9. polype01

10. Neliss

  • (Website Launch)
    Web directory of apps that have integrated Kin.

11. TheKinformant

12. Danjiflow

  • (Website Launch)
    Web directory of apps that have integrated Kin.

13. scara89

  • Kin Spain (Chat)
    Dedicated active chat channel for Spanish and Spanish-speaking Kin supporters to discuss Kin-related topics.

Payout Summary

You can find a transparent summary of the scoring and payout allocations here.

How to Submit an Entry

Visit and fill out the entry form in order to be considered for the next Kin Community Rewards payout; entries submitted will be reviewed for the upcoming quarter. Note that this is still an experimental concept, and the program could be modified or discontinued at any moment.

Succeed Together

The Kin Rewards Engine has shown that aligned incentives can bring people together from around the world to build a more fair digital world. It is the Kin Council’s hope that Kin Community Rewards can augment that vision.

If you would like to keep up with the latest developments in Kin, follow Kin_Ecosystem on Twitter:

