Kin Developer Program Apps —Live in Week Four

Michelle Desrochers
Kin Blog
Published in
7 min readNov 15, 2018

Last month, teams in the Kin Developer Program showcased the Kin-powered experiences they created to our selection committee. Thirty-two teams were given either a green light to proceed directly to the production environment, or a yellow light where they were asked to make small changes and resubmit their demos before proceeding.

The Kin Developer Program has three milestones:

  • Milestone 1: App goes live to at least one app store within one month of Demo Day (Reward: $15,000 USD and 50,000,000 KIN)
  • Milestone 2: Reach 10,000 monthly active wallets for at least two months within one year of Demo Day (Reward: $20,000 USD and 100,000,000 KIN)
  • Milestone 3: Reach 50,000 monthly active wallets for at least two months within one year of Demo Day. (Reward: $25,000 USD and 125,000,000 KIN)

Yesterday marked the end of the first milestone, and we’re excited to share that 27 apps have officially gone live with Kin-powered experiences. 23 are available only on Android, two are available only on iOS, and two are available on both platforms. Since developers had until midnight last night to submit their live apps, some apps are still going through our internal verification process to ensure they’ve hit the milestone.

Here are the apps that went live this week:

ChatSwapDitch is a simple, fast, one-to-one chat app that lets users meet new people based on common interests.
Category: Communications & social
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users
How to earn Kin: Complete app registration; use the app for multiple days in a row; earn half of the Kin spend by another user who chooses to extend time chatting with you
How to spend Kin: Extend one-to-one chat time with another user, and change your profile details (the first time is free)
Other resources:
Twitter: @gifhip
App support:

Kinetik is an incentive-based mechanism to help users achieve their goals.
Category: Health & Fitness
Download now on: Android
Available to: 1,000 beta users in Canada
How to earn Kin: Join challenges created by others; win challenges against other users; refer other users
How to spend Kin:
High five other users (powered by a peer-to-peer Kin transaction); create a challenge and compete against others (winner-takes-all); complete quizzes and polls in the Kin Marketplace
Other resources:

King VPN is a cross-platform VPN that grants access to its service with Kin.
Category: Tools
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users
How to earn Kin: Complete quizzes and polls in the Kin Marketplace, or watch ads
How to spend Kin: Access VPN services
Other resources:
App support:

Klicktion is a gamified platform where anyone can earn and spend Kin by reading and writing interactive fiction stories.
Category: News & Entertainment
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users
How to earn Kin: Win games in interactive stories; complete quizzes and polls in the Kin Marketplace
How to spend Kin:
Read and play interactive stories; unlock new profile avatars
Other resources:
Twitter: Decision Fiction
App support:

Matchmaker is a gamified matchmaking app, providing relationship recommendations through the wisdom of the crowds.
Category: Communication & social
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users in Israel, India, and United States.
How to earn Kin: Vote for whether you think two people should be matched, and if you vote with the majority, you earn Kin.
How to spend Kin:
Vote for whether you think two people should be matched, and if you vote with the minority, you lose Kin.
Other resources:
App support:

Photo Mail Joy helps you order photo prints from your phone, paid for in Kin.
Category: Tools
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users
How to earn Kin: Complete an in-app survey about your photo preferences; share the app on social media; sign up to receive email updates; complete quizzes and polls in the Kin Marketplace
How to spend Kin:
Coupons for a percentage off photo orders made through the app
Other resources:
App support: is a video app that lets users compete with others on live video in front of an audience that plays along.
Category: Gaming
Download now on: Android and iOS
Available to: All users
How to earn Kin: Win on stage during Game Nights; play-along streaks for audience members; unlock achievements (ex., hosting a practice game with at least three new users); receive tips from other users
How to spend Kin:
Get tickets to play on stage during Game Nights; ticket balance Top-Ups (increase your odds of getting on stage during Game Night); in-game consumables (ex., get an extra life for play-along streaks, peek at someone’s hand); tip game hosts and players
Other resources:
App support:

Rave lets you watch videos (on Youtube, Netflix, Google Drive, etc.) with other people.
Category: Communication & social
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users (public beta)
How to earn Kin: If another user ‘makes it rain’ during a rave, every user watching earns a portion of the Kin given.
How to spend Kin:
‘Make it rain’ during a rave
Other resources:
Twitter: @GetRaveApp
App support:

RPS for Messenger is a rock, paper, scissors game for Facebook Messenger.
Category: Gaming
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users
How to earn Kin: Win games of RPS against others; complete quizzes and polls in the Kin Marketplace
How to spend Kin: Challenge others to games of RPS — each user will spend Kin to play a game, and the winner takes all
Other resources:
Twitter: @AckeeCZ
App support:

Syngli is an AI-based education platform that empowers teachers and learning alike.
Category: Education
Download now on: Android
Available to: Users in Canada and U.S.
How to earn Kin: As a learner: correctly answer questions in a course module. As a course author: configure reward logic for each course you create; earn when others purchase access to courses you create.
How to spend Kin:
Purchase access to courses
Other resources:
Twitter: @syngli_inc
App support:

Trivia Clan is a daily single-elimination trivia competition where users compete for a grand prize of Kin.
Category: Gaming
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users
How to earn Kin: Answer trivia questions correctly (earn for each correct answer, and split the grand prize if you answer all questions on a given day correctly); complete quizzes and polls in the Kin Marketplace
How to spend Kin:
Unlock an extra life; receive a hint (reveal categories of the questions in the next competition)
Other resources:
App support:

Wicrypt is a peer-to-peer Wi-Fi sharing app that enables users to get rewarded for sharing their mobile data.
Category: Tools
Download now on: Android
Available to: All public beta testers (click link above to become a tester)
How to earn Kin: Share your Wi-Fi connection with others by turning on your Wi-Fi hotspot; refer other users to the app
How to spend Kin:
Pay hosts to use their Wi-Fi connection
Other resources:
Twitter: @Wicrypt
App support:

Zool gives you an opportunity to earn Kin everyday for walking and competing with your friends.
Category: Health & fitness
Download now on: Android
Available to: All users
How to earn Kin: Reach walking milestones (ex. earn Kin for walking 10,000 steps per day); win challenges against others; refer users to the app
How to spend Kin: Unlock gift cards in Zool’s catalogue (Brands include Amazon, Paytm, Starbucks, and more); subscribe to challenges; tip other users to motivate them to take more steps
Other resources:
Twitter: @getvisit
App support:

We are still completing internal verification for apps that were submitted outside of business hours yesterday, so expect to see a final milestone one update here on the Kin Blog within the next two weeks.

Don’t forget to check out other apps in the Kin Developer Program! Here are all apps that are currently live, and progressing towards the program’s additional milestones:

