Kin Developer Program: Apps from our Community

yoel rivelis
Kin Blog
Published in
8 min readOct 2, 2018

Demo Day is quickly approaching for the Kin Developer Program! Launched in July, the program empowers 40 developers to create Kin-powered experiences in new and existing apps. We initially launched the program with one allotted spot for a member of the Kin community, but we received so many high quality applications that we accepted eleven community members into the program! Our community plays a major role in the success of Kin and we are excited to see the results of their hard work.

Do you want to get to know some of the apps and participants with roots in our community? Read on!


Blastchat is a social messaging app that allows users to blast direct messages to their most important friends, customers, and fans. The app will use Kin to replace its existing reward system, and it will allow users to earn Kin by interacting and engaging with peers. Users will also sell or bid on items in the app’s marketplace. Other spending experiences will include buying promotional placements, chat themes, and exclusive content with Kin.

“We first started working on Blastchat because we wanted to develop a social hub that focused on authentic social media interactions, rather than the common theme of users posting for likes, retweets, and shares. We wanted to create a decentralized social hub where people control what they see and don’t see. We began working on our own token and decided to join Kin instead.” Anthony Holley is a social platform that will incentivize people to achieve their goals through competition and accountability. Users will be able to enter competitions with community members who are working toward the same goal, and will earn Kin for being the first member to reach said goal. Kin will also be earned for completing surveys, polls, and quizzes. Users will spend Kin to set up their own competitions or to participate in the competitions of others. They will also be able to spend Kin on gift cards offered in the Kin Marketplace. is open to all types of users, but I believe users with a strong competitive side will benefit most from our app’s challenge component. That being said, any user, participating in a challenge or not, will be able to support others through challenge donations. his has the potential to be a great platform for charity fundraising.” — Simion Nacu


Kinguist is a language-learning app that lets users create modules and quizzes in their native language to help others learn new languages. Users will earn Kin by completing surveys and quizzes in the Kin Marketplace, and by creating education modules for other users. Users will be able to spend Kin to unlock additional modules and quizzes, and to ask questions to module creators.


The KinTipBot will allow for peer-to-peer transactions across multiple platforms without the need for integration on each individual platform. Users will be able to earn Kin by completing surveys, quizzes, and polls, and they can earn tips from other users. Kin will be spent on peer-to-peer transactions, or tips, to other users.

Kinny (previously known as KinTipBot) will be used largely by the Kin Community in the beginning, but as people spread and share it, it will hopefully help cross borders into other communities to help spread the word about Kin.” — Chase Barker


KinQuest is a social platform by Spaced that will help travelers meet and socialize with other travelers in their local area. Users will be able to earn Kin by performing quests, and thus meeting up, as well as completing their in-app profile, reviewing users, and for referring other users or businesses. In the future, users will be able to spend Kin by joining sponsored quests, and will be rewarded with discounts or special offers from the sponsor of that quest.


Klicktion is a gamified platform where anyone can earn and spend Kin by reading and writing interactive fiction stories in single or multiplayer game modes. Users will be able to earn Kin by submitting a story to the platform, editing stories that have been submitted, winning games or challenges, providing plot ideas to writers, or through other methods of platform improvement like helping writers code their stories. Writers will be able to spend Kin to personalize their in-app profiles, purchase higher visibility for their stories, or to join writing contests that will require Kin as an entry fee. Readers will be able to spend Kin to continue reading and unlock premium game modes, like time traveling. They’ll also be able to spend to personalize their profiles or join game tournaments.

“Kliction is an app for readers and writers of interactive fiction to earn and spend Kin. We are building a space for a vibrant community to enjoy these enhanced interactive fiction stories. The app is powered by Decision Fiction, a technology that interprets Twine stories and outputs gamebooks for public consumption. This means anyone that can code a few lines can write an interactive fiction gamebook right now! ” — Sir Robinson


Matchmaker is a new crowdsourced, gamified matchmaking app. Users will be able to earn Kin by becoming a matchmaker and deciding whether a couple should be introduced, and they will be able to spend Kin to have their dating profile get matched by a matchmaker. After Matchmaker, the Proffer team plans to expand the ecosystem of crowdsourcing / expert-networks apps on KIN with Peer to Peer tutoring (matching students to tutors in real-time) and health/legal consultations.


Reveald is a mobile dating app that reveals a user’s personality traits while simultaneously revealing photos to throttle the rapid judgement that most modern dating apps promote. Users will be able to earn Kin by reviewing content posted by other users, and will be able to earn Kin for successfully matching their friends with other users in the app. Users will be able to spend Kin to unlock features, like the ability to see who has viewed their profile, or the ability to see where users drop off while reading their profile.

Some of my friends have brought up their frustrations with online dating and I thought it would be an interesting problem to solve. When I heard about the Kin Developer Program, I decided it was a great opportunity to dive in and see what I could put together. Reveald is a mobile dating app that aims to throttle the rapid ‘swipe’ judgement that is common in a lot of dating apps.” — Geoff Ereth

Step & Spend

Step & Spend is a new app that will use Kin to incentivize users to improve their health. Users will be able to earn Kin for completing actions, like walking a specified distance, referring friends, or attending National Walking Day events. Opportunities to spend Kin include custom weight-loss programs, donations to charitable organizations, and peer-to-peer tipping.

“Step & Spend was inspired by my father who is in his 70s and walks at least 10,000 steps every day to stay fit. The walking has helped him keep fit, and I felt this app would be a great way to encourage others to live a healthy lifestyle. Step & Spend with Kin will offer new and exciting ways to motivate people to stick to their health goals.” Jim Ramia

Trivia Clans (formerly Trivia KinG)

Trivia KinG is a daily single-elimination trivia competition where users can choose their game mode and compete for a grand prize of cryptocurrency fit for a king. Users will earn Kin for answering trivia questions correctly. If users are able to correctly answer all questions in a given series, they will split the grand prize between other winners. Users will also be able to earn Kin by inviting friends to play, and by winning Kin from friends when they challenge them to a trivia game directly. Users will be able to spend Kin to receive categories ahead of the trivia game, and can spend to personalize their profile within the app.

The HQ Trivia app was my inspiration. I thought it was incredibly impressive how they were able to capture over a million users to compete for ~$1,000. It was inexpensive exposure, and a great way for me to teach people about Kin, which is most important to me. HQ Trivia has some technical limitations with payouts and I think Kin can help overcome those.” — Matthew Orocz


WiCrypt is a new peer-to-peer internet sharing app that enables users to get rewarded for sharing their mobile data. Users will use Kin to purchase a connection to a WiCrypt hotspot. Hosts will earn Kin for providing others with an internet connection, and can receive bonuses for high ratings from those who have used their internet connection.

“I came up with the idea for WiCrypto when I was working in my office. I was having trouble connecting to the internet, but my colleagues weren’t so I had to ask them to allow me connect for free. Of course, their generosity had a limit. They preferred to get paid as I used their mobile data. This got me thinking about how users could get rewarded for generously sharing their mobile data, and thus, Wicrypt was born” — Aronu Ugochukwu



yoel rivelis
Kin Blog

A Communologist; enthusiastic about the art of building & growing communities