Kin Ecosystem SDKs — Please Take Our Technical Surveys

Yohay Barsky
Kin Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

The Kin ecosystem SDKs will provide easy integration with the Kin ecosystem. Digital services will be able to quickly integrate our SDKs to receive rich earn and spend experiences right out of the box.

While developing the SDKs, we need to take into consideration digital apps’ technical requirements and possible constraints. For example, a requirement could be a preferred way to include our SDK in the app’s codebase; a constraint could be minimizing use of third party Android dependencies that have large sizes or extensive methods counts.

Based on the shared knowledge of our developers here at Kin, we’ve defined what we believe to be the right set of requirements and constraints. We’re using these definitions to help us build the best SDKs to be used by leading digital services.

Yet we also acknowledge that the best and quickest way to validate these definitions is to get “out of the building” (so to speak) and connect with the digital services developers who will use the SDK. This is why we prepared technical surveys for Android and iOS developers: We ask every digital service we work with to fill out the survey as a preliminary step in the integration process.

By collecting survey responses from many different apps we can analyze and understand what the common denominators for different apps are, and then validate our base assumptions. From there, we can adjust and improve our initial decisions and provide better SDKs to the community.

To expedite this even further we decided to publish the surveys to all app developers out there.

It would be really helpful of you to fill out the survey! We‘d love to gain more knowledge from a wide range of digital services both big and small alike.

Android Questionnaire

iOS Questionnaire

We’d also love to hear your comments and suggestions to improve the surveys, such as additional questions or considerations we should add. Please share your feedback with us in the comments or our Reddit or Telegram channels.

