Kin Gives Pop-Up Tech Talk at Unite L.A.

Sergio Silva
Kin Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2018

We’ve been quietly building the Kin-Unity Plugin with Prime31, the leading Unity Asset Store publishers with over 15 years experience building plugins for Unity games. The Kin-Unity Plugin will allow Unity’s community of game developers to seamlessly integrate Kin into each and every game they build. The plugin is not yet publicly available, but we have been using our time at Unite Los Angeles, Unity’s annual developer conference, to gather additional insights on the needs of Unity developers and showcase progress on the plugin so far.

On Wednesday night, we hosted a happy hour and welcomed 50 Unity developers to relax and unwind, meet members of the Kin team, and share their opinions on blockchain in gaming.

Yesterday, Kin software engineer Nitzan Tomer co-presented a pop-up tech talk with Mike Desaro, founder of Prime31, on how to build blockchain solutions with Kin. Here’s what the talk covered:

Kin and Blockchain 101

Nitzan introduced Kin, the cryptocurrency for consumer apps, by sharing the vision for Kin and outlining how Kin empowers developers and users to create better experiences for one another. We believe that Kin fundamentally has the power to change the way we interact and transact in the digital world, and will give game developers a unique way to monetize their apps in a way that enhances, rather than interrupts, a user’s experience.

Nitzan Tomer (Kin) and Mike Desaro (Prime31) presenting ‘How to build blockchain solutions with Kin’ at Unity’s annual Unite L.A. developer conference

Nitzan shared a high-level overview of all things blockchain (decentralization, data structures, scalability, etc.) and shared the advantages of Kin’s blockchain framework for apps and games in the Kin Ecosystem. The Kin Blockchain is advantageous to Unity game developers because:

  • It achieves scalability, processing more than 120 transactions per second
  • Confirmation times are short (blocks are added every five seconds, resulting in confirmations of approximately thirty seconds)
  • It offers a comfortable, fee-less experience

Hands-on Demo

To finish off the pop-up talk, Mike from Prime31 demonstrated how to implement the Kin-Unity Plugin. The demonstration showcased the simplicity of:

  • Accessing Kin’s Blockchain endpoint (for both test and production environments)
  • Setting up a Kin account, which will be securely stored on the device
  • Funding the account from a secure server, and activating it on the client side
  • Checking account status, which can be queried on the blockchain (accounts will show as NotCreated, NotActivated, or Activated)
  • Earning, spending, and transferring Kin
  • Viewing transaction history on the blockchain, and outlining actions that can be observed on the blockchain (such as account creation, ongoing payments, and account balance changes)

In the coming weeks, we’ll conduct interviews with Unity developers to inform further development of the Kin-Unity Plugin. Check back here, or connect with us on Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram to get updates on our partnership with Unity, and all things Kin.



Sergio Silva
Kin Blog

Based in NYC, Director Developer Partnerships and GTM Strategy, love helping developers to grow and thrive. Follow me on Twitter @powersergesilva