MadLipz, Peerbet, KinFit, Nearby and MonkingMe are Kin Ad Network Founding Apps

Kin Ads
Kin Blog
3 min readJun 26, 2020


Kin Ads is proud to present the first 5 apps joining the Kin Ad Network: MadLipz, Peerbet, KinFit, Nearby and MonkingMe. These apps will be known as the founding apps of The Kin Ad Network. Thanks to these 5 apps, we have begun to demonstrate how advertising revenue can play a role in growing the Kin Ecosystem, by creating real demand and value for Kin.

Peerbet Case Study: Advertising Mediation platforms like Iron Source and Ad Mob have minimum withdraw thresholds, meaning small apps need to accrue ad revenue for 6 months or more before having enough revenue to cash out. With The Kin Ad Network apps of all sizes are able to monetize through advertising and get paid monthly after 30 days, instead of 6–12 months.

MadLipz Case Study: Maximizing Ad Revenue takes time, attention and a lot of research to find the right mix of Ad products to make money. With The Kin Ad Network, all apps regardless of size, experience and capability have access to a white glove Ad Operations service, who will optimize revenue for you and deposit directly into your Kin wallet.

MonkingMe Case Study: Creating a compelling In App Ad experience is a delicate balance between monetization and User Experience (UX). With The Kin Ad Network we help you reward your users for their time and attention. In MonkingMe, the user is able to download songs, using their in app currency Banana’s.

The learning is by creating a small “pain” with Ads, the user can use Banana’s in place of watching an ad. This creates demand for Banana’s, as well as a clear value trade off, when communicated clearly. Watch an Ad → download the song for free. The result is higher Ad completion rates, better user retention and more revenue.

Kin works alongside Bananas to reward users for listening to music and allowing users to support their favourite artists.

Reasons To Get In Touch With Kin Ads Team

Our mission is to generate value in the Kin Ecosystem and as the first Module to qualify for the Kin Rewards Engine (KRE) Buy Track, now is a great time to get in contact with the Kin Ads team here:

We are unlocked now to support apps of all sizes in their integration and setup with the Kin Ads reporting dashboard.

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Kin Ads
Kin Blog

A valuable Ad network of connected Apps, using Kin as a common currency, where users and developers get compensated for the value of their engagement.