The First Physical Goods Purchased with Kin — Third Eye Sunglasses

Natasha Shine-Zirkel
Kin Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

About a month ago, our community came accross a tweet from a trendy sunglasses store based in Las Vegas called Shivas, makers of Third Eye Sunglasses.

It created a lot of buzz within the Kin community channels as the twitter account @MyShivas acclaimed that it would be accepting Kin on their online store.

This was news to us as we had never heard of the brand before, so, we were naturally intrigued. After contacting the store, we were told that you first need to checkout, and then were to send your Kin to a provided wallet address. Then, you would receive a confirmation email and the sunglasses would be sent to you within a few weeks. To be honest, it sounded a bit shady 😉, so in order to ensure no one in the community would be taken advantage of, we decided to order our own Third Eye Sunglasses. Low and behold, a few weeks later, our new glasses were delivered to our New York office, as you can see modeled below by our wonderful Community Manager and Community Moderator, Yoel and Allison.

We are very proud to have made our first purchase with Kin and look forward to many more in the near future — stay tuned!

