The Kin NodeJs SDK Has Arrived

Chase Barker
Kin Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019

It’s been a long time coming and DevX developers have put a lot of hard work into this but Kin NodeJs SDK has finally arrived. The Kin NodeJs SDK comes equipped with all the functionality [like the Python SDK] you will need to run a Kin Server for your app. It takes away all the hard work of interacting with our blockchain and lets you stay focused on building your app.

You might asking yourself, “what does this mean?” So let me give a quick run down of how this all works. Every Kin integrated application needs to run two SDKs:

The Client SDK

Briefly, this SDK is used on your native device for developing apps on Android, iOS and Unity. It performs a range of functions such as creating accounts locally on the device (but not on the blockchain), building and sending transactions between users and much more. But there are some key elements that must take place on the server in order to have a fully functioning, secured Kin app.

The Server SDK

The NodeJs SDK is a Server SDK which is just like the Python SDK. But why do you need a server SDK? These SDKs allow you to perform certain functions that the would not make sense to do on the client due to reasons of security.

As I mentioned, the client SDKs can create an account locally on the client device but we still need to “on-board” this account to the blockchain. On-boarding/creating accounts must be done by another account (your developer account) using it’s secret seed. So once you create the account on the client you will then send the public address that you just generated to your secured back-end server to create this account on the blockchain using that secret seed.

Additionally, all Kin apps have features that allow their users to earn Kin. That Kin is paid to their users from the developer wallet. In order to pay a user you will also need to use the developer account secret seed which would not be wise to store client side. So when you are ready to pay a user an earn from the client device, you simply send the address of the account being paid an earn along with the amount of the earn and your server SDK will assist in paying that user directly from the developer account.

Finally, one of the most important features of the server SDKs is whitelisting. Whitelisting is something that can be done for any approved Ecosystem app. An approved app can whitelist transactions using the secret seed of their developer account and wave the fee for all blockchain transactions. So on the client SDK you would build a transaction to be sent, send it to the server for whitelisting, then return it to the client SDK to be sent fee free.

Don’t forget to check out the Kin NodeJs SDK Documentation.

*** It is extremely important that all developers follow best security practices when securing their servers to prevent malicious actors from gaining access to your secret seed***



Chase Barker
Kin Blog

Director of Developer Advocacy @ Kin Ecosystem | Follow me on Twitter @TheRealChaseeb