The Second Kin Developer Program Launches Thursday

Michelle Desrochers
Kin Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2019

Last year, we introduced the Kin Developer Program, arming developers with tools and incentives to build Kin-powered experiences in new and existing apps. The program successfully assisted 29 apps in going live on Android and iOS, introducing Kin to thousands of users. On Thursday, we’ll launch the second Kin Developer Program to enable even more developers to adopt and build with Kin.

We believe that mass adoption of Kin will start with the developer, so we gathered feedback from the first batch of participants in the Kin Developer Program in order to better accommodate existing and future participants. Based, on their feedback, we’ve modified the program’s structure, tools, support, and milestones to set developers up for success and make it easier for people to build with Kin. Starting on Jan. 17, we’ll begin accepting applications from developers all over the world who are building mobile apps, and looking for new, better ways to engage and empower their users. Does this sound like you, or someone you know? Apply for the program here on Jan. 17.

Timeline and milestones

Here are the dates you’ll need to remember:

  • Apply (January 17, 2019 — March 26, 2019): Applications will open, and participants will be accepted into the program on a weekly basis until March 26. In total, up to 100 apps will be accepted into the program, and developers will receive 1M KIN upon acceptance.
  • Go Live (January 17, 2019 — May 14, 2019): Developers have until May 14 to submit proof of a live Kin-powered experience in an app store. Once we verify that the experience is live, developers will receive a Go Live Bonus of 100M KIN to jumpstart their economy. An Early Bird Prize of up to $5,000 USD will be awarded in fiat currency to the first 40 apps to go live.
  • Achieve monthly active spender milestones (January 17, 2019 — May 14, 2020): Once live, apps will be eligible for monthly active spender (MAS) milestones, allowing developers to receive Kin for achieving a MAS level during a unique 30-day period. The milestones are as follows:

Existing Kin Developer Program participants can choose to stay in the existing program, or they can migrate their app to the new Kin SDK and new incentive structure, forfeiting the initial incentives. They can also choose to stay in the original program with their original app, and join the new program with a new app.

Interested in applying, or know someone who would be a great fit? Head over to the website on Jan. 17. Remember: apps will be accepted weekly, and developers have until May 14 to go live, so apply early to guarantee more development time!

