Why Kinit?

Now is the perfect time to look back, analyze, and share our mission

Sarit Ariel
Kin Blog
3 min readNov 19, 2018


It has only been a few months since we launched the kinit Android and iOS apps, but the impact on the Kin ecosystem has been absolutely amazing! As part of our larger vision of creating a more fair digital world, in which everyone can succeed together, Kinit occupies an important place in showing how fun and easy it can actually be to achieve those goals, while also providing inspiration for other developers who are interested in becoming part of the Kin Ecosystem.

In many ways, Kinit itself reflects the very ethos of the company. We have, and continue to work closely with users to get their feedback, input, and suggestions about the Kinit experience, the tasks on offer, the user flows, and how they would like to use Kin. Through this, we have invited the community of users into the creation of the app, and made them a part of the development of not just Kinit, but the Kin Ecosystem itself.

Kinit was the first publicly available app dedicated to Kin that reached thousands of daily active users. With more than 10K monthly active users and stickiness higher than 40% (meaning, the average Kinit user is using it ~12 out of 30 days per month) Kinit represents a great early example of the potential of Kin.

The fact that people are sharing the app with friends and family shows that we’ve succeeded in understanding the right kinds of experiences that can take crypto from a niche for the tech-savvy, to a mainstream consumer market.

Kinit was also the first app in the Kin ecosystem to work with brands and 3rd parties (Dunkin Donuts, DoSomething, Blackhawk Networks and more), one of them (Swelly) even ended up integrating with the Kin SDK as an ecosystem partner! Kinit put brand experiences on the map and showed how everyone, app developers, consumers, and brands have an important role in creating this new ecosystem, and that there is a more fair, collaborative, creative and open way to imagine how all of these pieces can fit together to create something greater than the sum of their parts.

Trailblazing another first, Kinit was the first app in the Kin Ecosystem that was launched in the App Store. This release marked another milestone in making Kin the most-used cryptocurrency in the world, as we gave Apple users their first taste of Kin experiences and paved the way for other apps to come. Recently three more iOS apps were launched with Kin experiences and many more will be joining in the near future!

Along with all of the other firsts, Kinit was also the first app in the Kin ecosystem that demonstrated our new backup and restore functionality. The functionality doesn’t follow the normal blockchain standards, but rather in line with our goal of creating better digital experiences, uses a creative user-centric approach, that again takes crypto from a niche for the tech-savvy to a mainstream consumer market. Similar functionality was added to the Kin Ecosystem SDK, showing how Kinit has an important place in accelerating learnings from the Kin Ecosystem and creating truly user-centric experience standards.

As we move forward, we are always looking for new ways to make Kin the most used, consumer friendly cryptocurrency in the world and Kinit will continue to be a pioneer to test fast, learn fast, and inspire developers by showing product use cases and ways to solve the challenges that arise with any cutting edge technology.

Of course, this is a huge challenge. But, our amazing team is up for anything! As a team we are always thinking a few steps ahead, exploring all of our options, and testing different use cases as quickly as possible to find the most meaningful experiences and solutions for the ecosystem.

In order to move fast, we need to stay focused on our mission. This means, that actively growing our user base to hundred thousands or expanding to other countries are not a top priority right now. The goal isn’t to take Kinit to the world, but rather show the world what is possible with Kin through Kinit. In this way, Kinit is a lighthouse for others in the ecosystem rather than a competitor or end in itself.



Sarit Ariel
Kin Blog

Squad Lead, Head of innovation @Kin, user experience enthusiast