Be nice to strangers

…even when it doesn’t even matter (because it DOES matter).

Kat Nieh @thoughtfullykat
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2021


Graphic by Kat Nieh (author). Photo by Gam1983 via Canva.

Embody kindness because that is who you are. Do it regardless of who is around to see you or who that recipient is. Do it regardless of what others would think or whether or not they’ll acknowledge what you did.

True kindness isn’t a chess piece for an ulterior motive or done for show to elicit some sort of praise. It is done even when you think it doesn’t matter.

Do it because you are inspired to and that it feels right. Do it because it’s just who you are at your core.

Kindness always matters—no matter how small or seemingly insignificant your act of kindness is. It’s always making a difference to someone (and that someone could be yourself).


Do an act of kindness for a stranger—pick up something they dropped, let them go in the line ahead of you, or even simply giving them a smile and say “hello”.

If you set your intention to do something nice for someone, your mind will help you brainstorm some ideas. All you have to do is take action.



Kat Nieh @thoughtfullykat

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