Give someone the benefit of the doubt

There’s another side of the story you might not be aware of

Kat Nieh @thoughtfullykat
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2021


Graphic by Kat Nieh (author). Photo by Rus32 via Canva.

One person’s perspective is never the full truth.

What you perceive goes through your own personalized set of mental and emotional filters before your brain comes up with a possible perspective of what just happened in front of your eyes. That means what you see and experience can be similar but can never be identical to another bystander’s perspective.

So instead of jumping to conclusions or assuming your perspective is correct or better, be open-minded and have the curiosity to hear someone else’s perspective. You really don’t know what others are truly thinking until you take the initiative to ask and really listen.

Give someone the benefit of the doubt. Listen to their side of the story. This act of kindness to allow someone to be truly heard is a gift, and the results could surprise you.


The next time you have a deep or controversial conversation with someone, choose to ask inquisitive questions and take the time to listen to get a better understanding of where they’re coming from BEFORE you make any judgements or decisions.

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Kat Nieh @thoughtfullykat

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