Take immediate action at the moment of inspiration

Don’t wait until later…

Kat Nieh @thoughtfullykat
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2021


Graphic by Kat Nieh (author). Photo by kiddy0265 via Canva.

“Later” means your hesitation becomes a missed opportunity. “Later” turns into “never” because you forgot about it.

You had that brilliant lightbulb moment to be kind, so do it exactly when it strikes as you never know how soon it would become… too late.

We are all connected energetically, and your unconscious mind is quite observant (it's capable of processing approximately 11 million bits per second compared to the conscious mind, which can only handle approximately 50 bps). So even though consciously you’re unsure or wondering why you had that particular act of kindness in mind, your unconscious mind is like a radar and most likely picked up that person’s subtle request for help.

You can put off and delay other things, but let’s not procrastinate on kindness.


The next time you have an inspired act of kindness in mind, go do it ASAP.
Don’t wait. Don’t overthink it. Just… take… action.



Kat Nieh @thoughtfullykat

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