Tell the whole truth

…and nothing but the truth

Kat Nieh @thoughtfullykat


Graphic by Kat Nieh (author). Photo by THEPALMER via Canva.

Lies, even white ones, are inherently hiding something. But once you’re caught in the lie, it can totally backfire on you. So in a difficult situation, choose to tell the whole truth. It is a kindness. It is saying what needs to be heard even when it’s the hardest or could lead to some undesirable results. A white lie might seem like a good idea at the moment as it holds back potential pain, but that pain is inevitable. It’s best to let the pain surface quickly like ripping off a bandaid, and allow the healing to happen soon after.

One lie can lead to another, then another. You’ll have to keep track of what lies you told to make sure your story stays consistent. That takes a lot of mental effort and energy to keep that up. Truthfulness is straightforward and minimizes any complexity. Sure, it’s not always easy, but it simplifies your life.

Also, the truth doesn’t have to be harsh. Choose a more kind and thoughtful way to deliver your seemingly harsh or undesired truth. Share it vulnerably and from your heart. The recipient can sense your sincerity. It will not only build trust and better understanding, but also strengthens your character as well.

So choose to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth as the truth can set you free.


Next time, you feel inclined to lie about something, ask yourself why: What are you scared of? What is the worst thing that can happen if you told the truth? What is the worst thing that happen if they found out you told a lie?
Choose to be truthful, and deliver it from your heart.
You can do it!

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Kat Nieh @thoughtfullykat

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