The Living Water Life

What does it mean to live the Living Water Life?

Nate Fialkoff
KindHuman Prayer
3 min readFeb 8, 2021


The mission of Kind Human is to bring Living Water to the church.

What is Living Water?

  • The Living Water, given by God, is a fresh, living, active, bubbling spring found only within the disciple of Christ (John 4:7–15)
  • The Living Water flows like a river from within the heart of the Christ disciple. When Jesus speaks of Living Water, he speaks of the Spirit life. (John 7:37–39)
Unsplash, Linus Nylund

What does the Living Water Life look like?

It would be difficult to answer this question exhaustively and we won’t attempt to do this here. Rather, here we present attributes of the Living Water Life. God has specifically laid, on the heart of Kind Human, the attributes of repentance, love and humility. So, where our mission states we bring “Living Water”, we mean that we are committed to calling the church to embrace and embody these attributes:


  • We are committed to living lives of zealous repentance. Repentance means to change direction. As such, we do not believe that repentance is merely a move from pursuing that which is wrong to pursuing that which is right. Rather, we believe that zealously repenting compels the one already pursuing good to obediently climb higher or dig deeper (Revelation 3:19, Philippians 3:12–16).


  • We don’t just love our neighbors as ourselves, rather we live lives of sacrificial love just as Jesus lived a life of sacrificial love (John 13:34–35).
  • We are committed to loving other people’s children (strangers, criminals, any person in the world) with the same love and commitment a child should expect from a devoted, faithful and loving parent (Matthew 5:43–48).


The increasing or decreasing visibility of these attributes is how we measure our lives as we ask ourselves, “Are we walking out the Living Water Life?”(2 Peter 1:5–11; with emphasis on verses 9 and 10)

How does one live out the Living Water Life?

The Living Water Life can not be naturally attained. Rather, a life of repentance, love and humility is an outflow, a consequence, a supernatural symptom that comes from having a dynamic relationship with the Father, through His Son Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit (John 14:6, John 13:12–17; John 7:37–39).

Therefore, with vigor, tenacity and discipline, we will lovingly pursue the Source of the Living Water Life; that is our Heavenly Father, His Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Gift, our Friend and Helper, the Holy Spirit.

We are committed to calling the church to, with single-minded devotion, lovingly pursue God; the Source of the Living Water Life. (Psalm 73:25; Matthew 6:33)

What does it look like to pursue the Source of the Living Water Life?

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Jesus showed forth the Living Water Life and all of its attributes. And, empowered by that same Spirit, Jesus taught with authority, healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead and performed miracles.

Yet isn’t it interesting that the Scriptures do not show the disciples explicitly asking Jesus to teach them to do any of these things?

There is one thing that the disciples explicitly asked Jesus to teach to them. They said, “Lord, teach us to pray.” (Luke 11:1)

Kind Human believes that the disciples rightly recognized that Jesus’ powerful life was fueled by His prayer life; His never broken connection to the Father through the Spirit (John 15:4–5, John 5:19–20)

So, how does Kind Human bring Living Water to the church? We are committed to emulating the private prayer life of Jesus while calling the church to do likewise. This means calling the church to:

From this place and position of prayer, the church will walk out the Living Water Life. The entire world for which Christ died is desperate for this life to be lived out and plainly on display.

