Is there a God?

The Theist Vs Atheist debate is highly misplaced

Wisdom Writer: Kanwaldeep Singh
Kindle The Master
3 min readMar 31, 2020


Is there a God?

The phenomenon of life is very complex.

A certain event happens and life starts.

The property of life is highly differentiated from normal inanimate objects. We can discuss, argue, process energy, supposedly exhibit Free Will, procreate and pray.

The phenomenon of death brings out the complexity of life even more. At death a certain event again happens and the animated person becomes inanimate. Life disappears.

Between the appearance and disappearance of Life lies the debate over God.

The Theists and Creationists are awed with the power of God to create and hold mighty over all things happening in this world.

The Atheist can’t close their eyes to the so called fallacies which so glaringly are evident in the arguments of Theists for existence of an absolute God.

I don’t really have a problem with God or with No-God.

But I do have a problem when these Beliefs hide the more important matters of the day.

Take for example the Obesity epidemic which is impacting almost 2 Billion humans at the moment. There are Theist obese and there are Atheist obese. Obesity doesn’t really differentiate between whether you believe in God or not.

Neither does death.

Over 200 years ago, Kant brought to the attention of the Western world, the problem of making claims beyond our capacity to know and experience. He established the limits to Metaphysics, especially to Pure Reason (Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality).

Arguments made beyond these limits to metaphysics are just opinions which can neither be proved nor disproved.

While Theists err on the side of making claims about existence of God, Atheists also err on the side of making claims about non-existence of God. For when the conceptualisation of God is beyond the limits of Metaphysics, then the claim for existence of God, as well as the claim for non-existence of God are both opinions, which can neither be proved nor disproved.

In the above scenario, while I can condone the Theists for giving air to the Feeling nature of humanity and spirituality, the Atheists who claim to be doing Science a service by disproving God are actually frauds who don’t know basic Metaphysics.

Such defenders of Science can unfortunately be found everywhere. While we are aware of fraudulent theologians who have stopped growth of humanity ( Read the article on the Galileo Affair), we need to be even more aware of these fraudulent scientists who do the same in the name of their new religion of Science. A prime example of misfiring of these scientist frauds is the Obesity Epidemic whereby mere Opinions have been put across as Scientific Truth in the form of Dietary guidelines of American Health Association.

Naive Realism Bias is the fundamental problem facing all unenlightened humans. Whether you are a Scientist, a Doctor, a President or a Priest — it is next to impossible to not fall prey to this bias. Wise people are aware of this Bias and hence Socrates said, The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” and Einstein said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

The Theists and Atheists debate shows the most basic error in the working of humans whereby Humans make the error of substituting their personal Belief as the Truth of the World. What they claim to be the World Truth is merely a facade of their belief. Hence, we come to the end of this article with the following observation:

Is there a God?

  1. For those who believe in God — There is God. Till this truth breaks for them.
  2. For those who don’t know — they will never know. Till this Truth breaks for them.
  3. And for those for whom there is no God — There is No God. Till this Truth breaks for them.

And you can still keep on arguing.

But arguments don’t break someone’s Truth.

Hard Life does. Then it is just too late.

And sometimes even Hard Life fails.

Go figure.

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Originally published at on March 31, 2020.



Wisdom Writer: Kanwaldeep Singh
Kindle The Master

Till the master sits outside, there can be no enlightenment inside. Change your life by Mastering Hope, Love, Wisdom & Strength. Writing on