The impossibility of taking a position

Peter Schulte
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2018

Lately, I’ve found myself in a conundrum.

I find myself wanting to find positions to take, assertions to make and defend and add to the public conversation. In such a turbulent, divisive time, it feels important to be clear on where I stand, rather than hand out platitudes and equivocations. Not to mention that strong opinions get more clicks.

But the deeper I look at the issues of our time and the more I attempt to expand my consciousness and awareness, the more I see that for every position worth making there is an equal, opposite, and conflicting truth.

It is important that we as a society choose to care for all of our fellow citizens and advance the common good. It is also important that individuals take care of themselves and practice self-reliance.

We must preserve the presumption of innocence in our justice system in order to protect civil liberties. It is also important that we believe victims even when they don’t have hard evidence.

Money shouldn’t determine whether people have access to healthcare, good food, clean water, education, and equal opportunity. And it is healthy and useful to have systems of reward within our society, motivations to spur hard work, innovation, and self-reliance.

Prisons should rehabilitate, not punish. Prisons should also be unsavory enough to be a strong deterrent for criminal action.

Love is the most important part of life. Fear protects us from danger and is also essential to life.

The list goes on and on.

Nearly every truth imaginable is just one side of a greater whole. Nearly every position worth taking has valid and compelling counterpositions.

How do we speak truth to power, how do we say something worth saying, while at the same time acknowledging the inherent incompleteness and flaws of our truth?

