Get Vaxxed or Unemployed?

Laura Clinton
Kindred Media
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2021

Last year, we were all shocked as the world suddenly came to a screeching halt — businesses closed, entire industries were upended, and people shuttered themselves inside for their own (and their family’s) safety. By November, it seemed that we would soon remember March 15th and the coronavirus pandemic as some sort of nightmare that came all too quickly and gradually ended. Now, as quickly as it all started, the Delta variant is threatening to shut the world down again. The pandemic that seemed to be slowly ending is instead haunting humanity, like the least-friendly version of Casper the ghost.

We’ve heard the word “reopening” more this year than any other in my lifetime. Once vaccines became readily available, the reopening discussion followed: When are schools reopening? Restaurants? Offices? Theme parks? People are desperate to return to the life they once knew, one of carefree handshakes and hugs, where you walked into a room and didn’t check your purse for a face mask. Unfortunately, that reality becomes further away with each passing day.

According to new data from the CDC, the Delta variant poses risks to even fully vaccinated people, and while the vaccines have proven to be effective in fighting the worst symptoms of the virus, those that carry the disease are still responsible for passing it to those more susceptible to hospitalization or even death. Apple and Google have pushed back their return-to-office plans, and some restaurants are now requiring proof of vaccination for those who want to dine indoors. The state of New York is now even considering a vaccine mandate for all restaurants. Even Broadway is now requiring that cast, crew, and audience members show their vaccine cards and keep on their face masks before they can sit in the theater once more.

For companies that thrive on collaboration, pushing back their return to the office is a temporary solution. Their long-term solution? Mandatory vaccines. Companies like Facebook, Lyft, Morgan Stanley, and more are now requiring employees to get the jab before returning to work. Even Disney is now requiring that employees are vaccinated, and has reinstated mask mandates for those visiting Mickey and friends. For those who are still hesitant to get vaccinated, the choice is still theirs — but it may soon become a choice between unvaccinated or unemployed.

Do you think companies are right to require vaccines for employees?

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