Diogo Teixeira
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2019


Hi, my name is Diogo and I’m 21 years old.

I always liked computers a lot, since I was young. I always wondered how apps were made and I wanted to have the ability and skills to make them too, so I decided to dedicate myself to this area.

At the age of 20, I finished my degree in It Systems Management and Programming Technician. After that, a friend of mine told me about OutSystems. However, I didn’t pay much attention.

A couple of months later, he spoke to me again about it. So, when I got home, I went to see on the Internet what it was and I watched some videos, which I really enjoyed, specially the user interface and the simplicity of the platform. We can do so much in such a short time and that’s really impressive.

Then I got an interview at KinetIt and that’s where my path started in the OutSystems world!

I started at the KinetIt Academy and it was fantastic, from the help and attention they gave us, to the challenges I had to get through. I developed a lot of skills, not only by exercises and projects in web, but also in mobile.

The web and mobile projects were my favorite part, because it was where we could show the knowledge we got from the Academy.

The final project in web and mobile was to build an app. The app aim was to create an online store with multiple products and the user could manage his own shopping cart. Then an order was made and the user could see the its status.

In addition, we also learned and gained experience with the obstacles and challenges that have emerged.

I learned a lot at the Academy, not only about OutSystems, but also about work techniques and ways to always stay organized. The experience that I got from the workshops is really helpful to me every single day.

After the academy, I spent a month in a mobile project. This was my first big project and I was a little bit scared, because the project had already started a long time ago and I needed to adapt to it. Thanks to my colleagues, the adaptation went really well and fast.

At the moment, I’m on the biggest project I’ve been so far. I can say I’m learning a lot from the challenges that are coming up. It’s amazing that after 7 months of starting the academy, I’m being part of development of an app that will be used by the entire country and will have a huge impact.

I’m very happy to do what I love and to belong to KinetIt! KinetIt provides a good environment and helps you with everything you need. The academy is awesome and I think everyone who wants to learn OutSystems and be part of a team that cares about you should try their chance.

