Trust and Delegation go hand in hand

Nuno Fonseca
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2022

In moments when we feel overwhelmed with work and without focus on the main topics that we must address, we have a good opportunity to reflect on whether the time has come to delegate some of these tasks to the team we work with and trust that they will be well executed.

Let me tell you a story that happened to me a few years ago when I was responsible for the development team at a software factory. By then, I was still heavily involved in a fortnightly task of delivering new versions of applications to the business. It was a task of great responsibility, which took an average of about 12 hours over the weekend, with multiple linked steps that, when not carried out correctly, could lead to the failure of the task, creating an unavailability of the company’s central applications throughout Europe. It was a task that I knew perfectly well from the days when I was a mere performer, being able to do it with my eyes closed and anticipating what problems might exist.

At that time, I had a team that helped me in the execution of the task, taking care of some of the steps always under my supervision. A team that never let me down, whatever the circumstances.

One day I get to my supervisor and tell him that I was extremely tired with the supervision I was doing for such a long time on that specific task, not allowing me to focus on other tasks, no less important and even more interesting. And the answer I got was: “Why don’t you completely delegate that task to your team? Don’t you trust your team?”

Effectively I trusted and the team had all the skills to do it, however I found it difficult to let go of something so critical and where I was so knowledgeable. What if something went wrong?

But I made the decision to fully delegate the task and let me tell you that I have never regretted doing so. Nothing ever went wrong and even when there were difficulties, they were overcome with a simple phone call for guidance. The entire team grew professionally with the responsibility and trust that was passed on to it, even revolutionizing an old process, improving both in terms of time and reliability, one of the most critical and important tasks of the factory.

So, if you ever feel like I did, think twice and trust your team to delegate tasks that make them grow. And if there are problems you will be there to help them as a team.

