Announcing GraphXR 2.16! 🚀

Alex Law
3 min readAug 15, 2023


This update brings substantial improvements for GraphXR users to navigate, visualize, and interact with complex data. Check out some key highlights of GraphXR 2.16 that provide even more intuitive and seamless features to boost your graph analysis and empower rich exploratory analysis.

New Features in 2.16 include:

  • Improved Filtering
  • Find Path Faster
  • Named and Parameterized Cypher Queries
  • Password Protected Views
  • Usability Enhancements

Improved Filtering

Advanced filtering capabilities empower users to filter categorical and numerical data with ease, and a live histogram shows data distribution at a glance.

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Find Path Faster

“Find Path” speeds up the process of tracing and spotlighting a path between two selected nodes, providing faster insights into connections and dependencies within a graph. Isolating the path is just a click away, allowing users to focus on relevant data and temporarily hide information not related to a specific path.

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Named and Parameterized Cypher Queries

Cypher queries can now be saved with descriptive names and shared between collaborators. Parameterized queries enable users to tailor a named query based on specific property values, making it much easier to retrieve just the data you’re looking for.

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Performance and Security Upgrades

GraphXR 2.16 demonstrates improved performance, allowing the “Extract” feature to handle more than 50,000 nodes efficiently. Quick Information rollovers now have faster response times. Views can be password protected for more granular control over data security.

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Usability Enhancements

Styling controls including Caption, Avatar, and Node size are now available directly from the Legend. The right-click menu has undergone a complete overhaul improving access to frequently used toolbar and layout functionalities. Additionally, users can customize the elements of the right-click menu to suit their specific workflow.

Follow this demo which works with GraphXR & Neo4j Aura

With improved performance and a user-friendly interface, GraphXR 2.16 accelerates visual investigation for data analysts, researchers, and business professionals alike to rapidly unlock valuable insights from complex data.

Learn more about getting started with GraphXR today!



Alex Law
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Communications Coordinator for Kineviz/ Kinetech Arts. Dance artist on the move and collaborator at heart. Mantra: “Let’s give it a try.”