3 Key Pieces of Advice for New R.Kins

Spencer Raposo
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2018

Advice for New Registered Kinesiologists (R.Kin)


Visit https://www.kinformation.ca/blog/3-key-pieces-of-advice-for-new-r-kins for updated article.

Looking to write the next Registered Kinesiology COKO Exam?

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You did it.. you found out you passed the COKO final exam.. CONGRATS!!..


Below are my top 3 pieces of advice for new R.Kins in Ontario:


If you haven’t already then you should try to ASAP! I got my current job opportunity through volunteering. Since the Kinesiology program doesn’t have any placements, students don’t get any real experience seeing what a Kin does. If you went through the Master’s program, you may have obtained a few experiences. If not, then start searching around for a local Kin and see if you can even shadow them for a day.. it’s a start!


Visit and talk to other Kins who are currently practicing to get a feel with what setting or area you would like to practice. I know some individuals who work in clinics like myself, some have their own gyms and some work with workplace wellness or ergonomics specialists. Until you know what’s out there it’s hard for you to decide on which area you would like to work in.


How do you see Kinesiology being used in Ontario, since this profession is so new it’s open for interpretation from anyone. My views on what Kinesiology can be used for may be a lot different than yours. It’s people like you and me that can help shape the future of what Kinesiology is and what Kinesiologists do.

Hopefully this helps,

Spencer Raposo, R.Kin


Looking to write the next Registered Kin Exam? Join the Registered Kinesiology Exam Prep Facebook group to gain more insight about what to expect: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RegisteredKinExamInfo/

Are you a Registered Kinesiologist in Ontario and enjoyed this article please share to bring awareness to what kinesiology is. Join our online community of other Registered Kinesiologists in Ontario at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RegisteredKinesiologistsOfOntario/

Join our Kinesiology Community here: Kinesiology Community Link



Spencer Raposo

Registered Kinesiologist, Host of Making Kinnections Podcast and Founder of Kinformation