What to do after you pass the COKO exam

Spencer Raposo
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2018

You got your results back from COKO and you passed.. so now what?


Visit https://www.kinformation.ca/blog/what-to-do-after-you-pass-the-coko-exam for updated article.

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You passed the COKO registered kinesiologist exam.

You are now one step closer to being a regulated health professional in Ontario.

But now what?

Below outlines basic requirements and answers to FAQ about becoming registered with the COKO and beyond.


Within the exam results email sent by the college, instructions about how to register with the college are also provided. Emailing info@coko.ca with subject line “Becoming Registered — FULL NAME” will allow the college to add a new payment button on your COKO profile to pay for the pro-rated college registration fee (Renewal happens in March).

Once the payment goes through, the college gives you a registration number (this is important for applying for jobs). After you register, you will have 30 days to get professional liability insurance and email the proof to the college.

If you decide to wait and apply with the college later, you will have 1 year to become registered before you have to rewrite the test. If you have any questions, emailing COKO will be your best option for the most correct answer.


When looking for insurance, the best thing to do is look at what your job (if you have one lined up) requires you to have. Some positions require a specific amount of liability while others just need the bare minimum. Just be mindful of this when applying for insurance.

The most common places to get insurance are through different Kinesiology associations. The most common being OKA. Visit both sites and look at what each insurance includes and covers. There are many other options, but these two are the ones I’m most familiar with.

Once you become a member of one of these associations, you will have professional liability insurance with them. For more information, please contact their respective pages for up-to-date information.

Applying for Jobs

Just looking on Indeed, you can find many jobs when using “kinesiology” as your search term. From Registered Kinesiologist’s in a clinic, to physiotherapy assistants/ supports, personal trainers, workplace consultants, rehab therapist, and fitness instructors, there are a variety of different jobs that have opened up for those who are registered with COKO.

Most jobs that will take new R.Kin’s will predominately be physiotherapy supports. These positions are highly valuable for those who are just starting out as they give you alot of exposure to the different types of populations you will encounter. Especially since most graduates never get any experience in a clinical setting, these jobs are great for new grad’s. Once you have gained some experience or some other accreditations (MPK, CSEP-CEP, etc), many other job opportunities will open up.

My advice would be to apply to everything. At this point you probably don’t know what you really want anyways. By getting your feet wet in a couple of different places, you’ll better be able to know what you like to do. Even volunteering your time will be valuable for your professional development.

Continuing Education

The COKO does not have minimum requirements for continuing education credits. However you are required to participate in continuing education at your own pace. This education should be self-directed based on your current knowledge and knowledge you would like to attain for a position. To read more about what the COKO requires follow the link here: https://www.coko.ca/kinesiologists/quality-assurance-pages/continuing-professional-development/

Continuing education will be what helps you to stand out from other applications during a job hiring process. Most positions will require just R.Kin while others may require proof of continuing education in a certain area or being a member of a specific association (ex. CCS- Canadian Cardiovascular Society).

We hope this article helped! Let us know if we missed anything. We’d also like to hear your thoughts about this subject.

Hopefully this helps,

Spencer Raposo, R.Kin


Looking to write the next Registered Kin Exam? Join the Registered Kinesiology Exam Prep Facebook group to gain more insight about what to expect: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RegisteredKinExamInfo/

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Spencer Raposo

Registered Kinesiologist, Host of Making Kinnections Podcast and Founder of Kinformation