Two versus two

King of the Hat
King of the Hat
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2018

Seasons greetings friends!

Writing you all today with some great news — you’re now able to play teams mode online! So prepare to duke it out with your best buds, your worst enemies, and your friends who live in different countries.


oh god washing machine’s red eyes are terrifying

On top of that, we’ve done a pretty sleek pass of character balancing. Cole now has a slippery hat. Why, you may ask? Because ice is slippery, and Cole is super icy. You may even say he’s ice cole-d. ha ha ha ha ha ok bye

Also, Insignia, Dark Birthday, and Kid Cat, are significantly less broken! Fair is fair is fair is fair is fair.

back to the workshop you go

Also, King of the Hat will be at the Discord booth at PAX South! We’re pretty excited to be at an event again. There will be hats OBVIOUSLY

we are but a speck in the cosmos

For a more thorough change log of the update, check out this link.

Wishing you all a very happy holidays and new year! See you in 2019!
- the Hat Team

