BSC Talks x KingDeFi AMA — Recap

Published in
6 min readAug 6, 2021

😎 BSC Talk: Could you introduce yourself and KingDefi, please ?

👑 King Arthur: sure, great big journey so far and a lot to come!

My background is mainly in banking and technology, I have been working for some top tier investment banks for around ten years. I am as well in crypto since 2016. Working as consultant for some DApps and Fintech companies mainly based in Zug, Switzerland

KingDeFi is a DeFi project combining two main areas: analytics and monitoring where we provide a market overview, liquidity pool search engine and portfolio tracking to users and farming as we are a yield optimizer project on BSC and Solana

It offers its Knights (= users) an a) Earnings and b) Monitoring function

With the Earnings function, Knights can earn KROWN tokens by providing liquidity and staking directly on the KingDeFi platform

With the Monitoring function, Knights have an overview about all major yield platforms on BSC and Solana and receive automatic suggestions where to receive the best yields based on their token holdings in their wallet. With one click, Knights are easily directed to the best yielding platforms. Knights also have a dashboard showing all key statistics of all major platforms such as highest/lowest APYs, TVL and more

In combination, KingDeFi is the only “go to” place you need in order to optimize your farming and staking yields for both, BSC and Solana.

😎 BSC Talk: Awesome, so we know you already have had your presale, right Do you have a working platform already? Tell us a bit more about it

👑 King Arthur: sure quite more then a working platform i would say, you can see on our website we have already quite some features:

Main dashboard: where we keep listing DeFi Projects on BSC and Solana, providing on-chain analytics and real time data

Pool dashboard: is a search engine analytics interface where users can filter check and find best performing yields and lp details for each aggregator

King Farms: is our main farming dashboard, where investors can farm, stake Krown into various LPs

King Pool: is our double reward program, which we are launching soon, users can earn there 2 different tokens at the time.

So quite some features already and a lot more to come….

😎 BSC Talk: Sounds very good, I see you have lots of partnerships. I know it’s plenty so no need to specify each, but overall how those partnerships are able to help the project you aim to build?

👑 King Arthur: I mean partnerships are great for long term projects like KingDeFi, plus we are a yield aggregator and analytics platform so having partnerships is a key element to have the business growing

Also as we are launching our portfolio tracking and we provide a lot of analysis each partner gain exposure from our website and we gain users and new investors, so is great and free not like expensive random marketing plans.

😎 BSC Talk: Yeah, It makes sense. Great! Can you tell us about what is the roadmap you have for 2021–22?

👑 King Arthur: Sure we are working on multiple developments at the moment, and some very exciting new technology features:

Portfolio tracking: we will launch soon our portfolio tracking functionality where users will be able to view all what they invested in DeFi across main BSC farmers, as well moving multi-chain then in parallel

Multi-chain swap bridge: we are building at the moment a multi chain bridge, differently then other products we will move to other blockchain but without issuing an additional token

This will help avoiding arbitrage as well we are thinking to make it a viable dex/swap product for other projects who want to bridge in the future

Double-reward farms: we are launching next week double reward farms.

And here comes the most challenging aspect… we are working on moving on ADA and SOL later on, this is not a quick development I have to admit and needs to be done properly because but as you know these are other programming languages Rust and Haskell and different mechanisms, so very complex, but in the meantime I believe will bring unique advantage and strong attention from investor and foundations

To solve that we partnered with a strategic team of developers

I cannot say much as this is private agreement but extremely powerful for us in order to bring innovation on the market, I can only mention that some of the them worked in the ADA foundation in early 2018…. Being placed in Switzerland have some very important advantages when it comes to relationships I have to say

😎 BSC Talk: Great! Amazing plans ahead bro. So much have happened and short period of time. Wish you guys good luck! And appreciate your time for being here.

Let’s hear out the community
AMA question rules:
🚫No copy-paste
🚫 no more than 3 questions (if you add bot you will get permanent ban)
🚫 no cloning someone else’s questions

🖌 Question: What is KingDeFi solution to of flash loan attacks?
👑 King Arthur: First, the best way is to structure the security in three layer:

1. External audit, where you know we use Certik

2. Internal audit, this is what we are working on now: meaning an auditor that is really looking not only at the smart contract but also at the full interaction on how we implement processes and how the contracts interact in the entire infrastructure we build

3. Adding advisors specialised in cybersecurity who will try to attack the contracts and the platform, different then other projects i prefer instead of a general bounty bug to have specialised professionals to advise and try to hack so that they can as well do consulting on safety improvements in parallel.

🖌 Question: What is KingDeFi’s strategy to address the following problems “traditional finances, high fuel costs, poor user experience, and locking of funds.” In the Q2 2021 roadmap you plan “Yield aggregator launch” Many projects have done just that and what sets KingDeFi apart from the competition as a Yield Aggregator?
👑 King Arthur: We come from traditional finance so building a DeFi project is already a solving problem approach, network fees are intrinsic in the blockchain you use… but as we all see different network as different fees and this cost competition will always remain, so the way we tackle the problem is to bridge to other chains so that our users can use KRW on the one that most suite their budget…. the third one, user experience, is something really important, we believe we need to simplify access to the product to make it available to “non-sophisticated investors” that’s why we are planning to hire IOS android Devs to build up the Apps, mobile usability is always simpler and more accessible…. but not quick so it will take some time

🖌 Question: What is the reason of choosing BSC and Solana instead of Ethereum, Polkadot or Matic? Do you think this was a good idea in long term? What are the advantages of BSC when you compare it with others?
👑 King Arthur: So quite big question i will try to structure the answer:

BSC: low gas fees, and a big booming for DeFi, good to start as it brings attention and users also a lot of fast growing partnerships

SOL: a new blockchain with a very interesting structure and mechanism we expect this to really grow big if the foundation keeps building well

ETH: we are building the bridge, as big investors are there, it is a really safe blockchain place that we want to give the opportunity to our investors to improve cross chain diversification risk management

Polygon: is similar to ETH and BSC so still solidity that’s why is on the roadmap as well, less complex for sure then Solana move

Overall we choose not only based on fees, but also we look a lot at regulatory risk… blockchains that are based in Switzerland like ETH, ADA and are real Blockchain with a lot of validators etc etc are important for us, we want to protect users with multi chain diversification approach, is not only marketing for us

😎 BSC Talk: awesome! All winners will be rewarded in $KRW

Thank you Mark for being here on your busy schedule

Appreciate it!

I’ll leave the official links from KingDefi here 😄
👨🏻‍💻 Official Website:
👥 Telegram: @kingdefi_Community
🗣Telegram Channel: @KingDefi_Official
🐤 Twitter:
📲 Discord:

👑 King Arthur: thanks all🙂🙂🚀

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