KingDeFi & Sunrise Dragon (Longkui) AMA — Recap

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5 min readJun 11, 2021

This is a recap from the AMA that KingDeFi hosted on Sunrise Dragon’s WeChat group the 10 June.

Q1. What is KingDeFi all about? Give us a little summary

A1. KingDeFi is a DeFi project combining two main areas: analytics and monitoring where we provide a market overview, liquidity pool search engine and portfolio tracking to users and farming as we are a yield optimizer project on BSC and Solana. It offers its Knights (= users) an a) Earnings and b) Monitoring function. With the Earnings function, Knights can earn KROWN tokens by providing liquidity and staking directly on the KingDeFi platform.

With the Monitoring function, Knights have an overview about all major yield platforms on BSC and Solana and receive automatic suggestions where to receive the best yields based on their token holdings in their wallet. With one click, Knights are easily directed to the best yielding platforms. Knights also have a dashboard showing all key statistics of all major platforms such as highest/lowest APYs, TVL and more.

In combination, KingDeFi is the only “go to” place you need in order to optimize your farming and staking yields for both, BSC and Solana.

Q2. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences? Why did the team decide to build KingDeFi?

A2. We are an international team: Germany-Italy-Switzerland and are based in Zurich. The founders have a finance background and coding/engineering background mainly in Dapps development and blockchain projects. The reason for build KingDefi: Passion for blockchain technology was the main driver, the other important element is that we wanted to take the opportunity to combine our financial background with technology It’s time to disrupt and move away from the old banking centralised model

Q3. Let’s dive into the $KROWN token. Can you share with us your tokenomics? Additionally, can you also share with us some of $KROWN use cases?

A3. Sure, as we are a yield optimizer project, most of the liquidity will go to staking and pools (60%) another (20%) is allocated to marketing and development, and the final (20%) has been locked up in general reserves and T&F allocations. Our users can find all details in our Medium post:

A quick guide on how you can participate in the upcoming token sale June 14, 2021.

KROWN tokens will be used for two main purposes: 1 — staking & farming, 2 — accessing advanced analytics, meaning if you are staking with us you’ll have as well access to advanced analytics functionalities into the platform.

Q4. How can we obtain or where can we buy $KROWN? Is the presale currently open, or when will it be?

A4. During crowdsale, $KROWN tokens can be swapped with BUSD on our website:

Crowdsale Event Start: June 14, 2021, 11:00 AM UTC (19:00 Beijing Time)
Event End: June 18, 2021, 11:00 AM UTC (19:00 Beijing Time)
Tokens to be sold: 20% = 2,000,000,000

On June 21, 2021 at 11:00am UTC we will add liquidity on Pancakeswap and other main BSC DEXs.

Q5. What are the DIFFERENCES between AI yield farming aggregator and NORMAL yield farming aggregator?

A5. There are a lot of strategies to farm liquidity, one of the easiest is auto-compounding, with AI yield farming we can change strategies faster and ensure higher APR.

Q6. Why choose BSC and Solana for development?

A6. Ethereum paved the way for DeFi and farming, but unfortunately it has fees that are too high and a blockchain that is too slow. BSC was a great answer and has huge potential with very low fees and high network speed. Exactly what we wanted to develop our project. There is so much yield farm on BSC going on and many other protocols are choosing this blockchain. BSC’s only downside is that it is not a true decentralised blockchain.

This is one of the reasons why we chose Solana, a true decentralised blockchain with a new consensus mechanism. Solana is also an even faster network than BSC and has great potential although it is still modest and there are few farmers: with 65,000 transactions per second is around 10,000 times faster than Bitcoin, 4,000 times faster than Ethereum, and 35 times faster than Ripple — even around 2.5 times faster than Visa.

Q7. There is fierce competition in the DeFi space. Obviously, you can find other projects that are similar to yours. What do you bring to the table that your competitors don’t? In other words, what is your Unique Selling Point?

A7. We are the only platform combining three main areas: market overview (as Defistation), portfolio tracking (as yieldwatch) and farming (as plus we provide pool search engine which no project is developing at the moment

Q8. What’s the focus of the KingDeFi now? Build and develop products, win customers and users or partnerships? Are there any plans to burn or block unsold $ KRW tokens? control flexibility, cost and security?

A8. Main focus at the moment is on finalising our farming contracts and have full audit on it, we apply as well burn mechanism to fees and at the same time we decrease selling pressure via adding a number of pairs where KROWN is present as a pair of the pools

Q9. What can we expect from KingDeFi over the next three months and in 2021 as a whole?

A9. The first AI yield farming aggregator on Binance Smart Chain & Solana.

We have a strong plan and a lot is coming pretty soon, some functionalities are already live: such as our market outlook dashboard and pool search engine, but here is what comes next:

Q10. What are the potential partners of KingDeFi in the future?

A10. We definitely aim at listing on Binance in the innovation zone.

In addition, we have already started collaborations with top farming projects such as, Beefy and Vault Finance. Always remember that we offer an extensive analytics service useful to each user to navigate through the many pools available. When we will integrate the Portfolio Tracking we will offer a very comprehensive service for each farmer. We expect soon a partnership with all the existing top farmers.

We will also offer liquidity to other aggregators to decrease the selling pressure of our token and stabilize the price.

Q11. Finally, What plans do you have for a better product in the future?

A11. Main focus will be on development: improve and continuous engineering of current functionalities, finalize the integration of King farming contracts and advanced Portfolio Tracking.

In the future we plan to expand and develop more farms across different blockchains.

Q1. KingDeFi具体是什么?给我们做个简单的说明吧。

A1. KingDeFi是一个DeFi项目,结合了两个主要领域:分析和监测,我们向用户提供行情概况、流动性池搜索引擎和投资组合跟踪,以及挖矿,因为我们是BSC和Solana上的收益优化器项目.


Q2. 能与我们分享一些关于你自己和你的团队的情况吗?说说你过去的经历吧?那是什么原因让团队决定开始KingDeFi项目的?

A2. 我们是一个国际性团队,团队成员来自德国,意大利和瑞士,总部设在苏黎世。创始人皆有金融和编程/工程背景,主要从事去中心化应用的开发和区块链项目。说到让团队决定开始KingDeFi项目的原因,我们对区块链技术的热情是主要的驱动力,另一个重要原因是,我们希望借该项目将我们的金融背景与技术结合起来。现在是时候颠覆并摆脱陈旧的中心化银行系统模式了。

Q3. 现在让我们开始了解一下KROWN代币吧。你能和我们分享一下你的代币经济模型吗?另外还能和我们分享一些KROWN代币的用例吗?

A3. 当然可以,由于我们是一个收益优化器项目,大部分流动性(占60%)将质押和进入流动性池,另外部分(占20%)则用于营销和开发,剩余部分(占20%)已锁定作为一般储备和T&F分发。用户可在我们的Medium帖子中了解相关的详细内容:

KROWN代币将主要用于两个方面:1 — 质押和挖矿;2 — 高级分析权限,这意味着如果您在平台质押代币,您将获权使用平台的高级分析功能。

Q4. 我们该如何获取或在哪里可以认购KROWN代币?预售现在开始了吗?或者什么时候开始?

A4. 在代币众售期间,用户可在我们的网站上 进行KROWN代币与BSUD的兑换。2021年6月21日,11:00UTC,我们将为Pancakeswap和其他主要的BSC 去中心化交易所提供流动性。

公开发售开始时间:2021年6月14日上午11:00 UTC(中欧标准时间13:00)。
公开发售结束时间:2021年6月18日上午11:00 UTC(中欧标准时间13:00)。

Q5. 人工智能收益挖矿聚合器和普通收益挖矿聚合器有什么不同?

A5. 有很多策略可进行流动性挖矿,最简单的策略之一是自动复利,使用人工智能收益挖矿,我们可以更快地改变策略,并确保更高的年利率。

Q6. 为什么选择BSC和Solana这两条公链开发?

A6. 以太坊为DeFi和挖矿铺平了道路,但可惜的是,它的费用太高,区块链运行太慢。BSC是一个很好的解决方案,它的费用非常低和网速很快,具有巨大的潜力。这正是我们项目开发所需的平台。BSC上运行着很多的收益矿场,许多其他协议都选择了这个区块链。BSC唯一的缺点是,它不是一个真正的去中心化区块链。


Q7. DeFi领域竞争激烈。很显然,您可以找到与您的项目相似的其他项目。在谈判桌上你有什么筹码是你的竞争对手所没有的?换句话说,你的独特卖点是什么?

A7. 我们是唯一一个结合了三个主要领域的平台:行情概述(如Defistation),投资组合跟踪(如Yieldwatch)和挖矿(如,此外,我们提供的流动性池搜索引擎,目前没有任何项目在开发类似的功能。

Q8. KingDeFi现在的重心是什么?构建和开发产品、赢得客户,用户或建立伙伴关系?有没有销毁或锁定未售的KRW代币的计划?是为了控制灵活性、成本和安全性么?

A8. 目前的主要重点是敲定我们的挖矿合约并对其进行全面审计,我们还对收取的费率实施销毁机制,同时我们通过增加大量交易对来减轻销售压力,其中KROWN代币也在流动性池参与交易对交易。

Q9. 那么,在未来三个月乃至整个2021年,我们能期待在KingDeFi看到些什么呢?

A9. 币安智能链和Solana上的首个人工智能收益挖矿聚合器。


Q10. KingDeFi未来的潜在合作伙伴有哪些呢?

A10. 我们的目标是在Binance的创新板块上市。

此外,我们已经开始与Beefy和Vault Finance等顶级挖矿项目合作。我们致力于为每位用户提供全面的分析服务,帮助他们在众多上市的挖矿池中寻找优质项目。当我们整合投资组合跟踪功能时,我们将为每一个矿工提供全方位的服务。我们期待与所有活跃的顶级矿工建立合作伙伴关系。我们还将向其他聚合器提供流动性,以减轻代币抛售压力并稳定价格。

Q11. 最后,你对未来推出更好的产品有什么计划?

A11. 主要重点将放在开发上:改进并持续开发当前的功能,实现King挖矿合约与高级投资组合跟踪功能的整合。


