KingDeFi Weekly Development Update — 10

Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2021

Welcome to week ten of KingDeFi’s regular feature article, in which the team provides development updates for the benefit of our beloved Knights. We hope you all enjoy the series and get a lot from it as well.

Week ending 03/9/2021

The past week was also full of interesting news and additions.
The main things were:

  • Team expansion
  • New security partnership: Hacken
  • New partnership: Pacoca
  • New projects added to Main Dashboard

👨‍💻 Team expansion

In preparation of the Solana expansion we are happy to announce that Sir Palamede decided to join our team.

He has strong background in Rust and he will help the team with Solana development.

Welcome Sir Palamede!!⚔️🧑‍💻🦾👇

Smart Contracts Engineer
Location: Australia
Experience: 3+ years
Sector: IT & Software engineering
Education: Bachelor degree in Computer Science & Mathematics
Background firms: DApps — Major in Machine Learning, AI & Smart Contracts engineering
Programming languages: Rust, Solidity, Python, Java

Find the full team here and here

🔐 New security partnership: Hacken

Safety is always our priority, that’s why we’re proud to announce this new partnership with Hacken.
Thanks to them we will have a new valuable auditor at our disposal. Hacken will also handle cyclic penetration testing and security assessments.

🤝 New partnership: Pacoca

We have integrated our new friends Pacoca into the Pool Dashboard

But it doesn’t end here, there will be more news together in the coming days!

We will be hosting an AMA with them on our telegram channel on Tuesday. It will be a great way to get to know our new friends and partners. In addition, the most valuable questions asked by users during the question time, will be rewarded with an award in KROWN and PACOCA tokens.

📊 New projects added to Main Dashboard

We are always selecting and adding new projects to our Main Dashboard, both from BSC and Solana.

This week we added:
BSC: Babyswap, Moonpot, Fleta
SOLANA: Dexlab and Solpad

🔹Price 24H%
🔹Circulating Supply
🔹Market Cap
🔹Total Value Locked
🔹TVL 24H%

The Wrap

it has been an ordinary week in which the team has been working hard in preparation for the next one which will be full of surprises! Stay connected!

The team also really values our community and always love to hear your opinions and feedback. We look forward to hearing more from you all in the great discussion going on with our awesome mods in the community chat.

Join the Kingdom

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