KingDeFi Weekly Development Update — 11

Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2021

Welcome to week eleven of KingDeFi’s regular feature article, in which the team provides development updates for the benefit of our beloved Knights. We hope you all enjoy the series and get a lot from it as well.

Week ending 10/9/2021

The past week was also full of incredible news and additions.
The main things were:

  • Partnership with ApeSwap
  • Emission new farms
  • Launch of Double Reward Program
  • TrustWallet token icon display

🤝 Partnership with ApeSwap

After weeks of negotiations we were finally able to secure this important partnership with ApeSwap. We are confident in the publicity and exposure this will give to our project. In addition, some of the farms will have liquidity by them. We look forward to strengthening this alliance even further.

🚜 Emission new farms

We launched new farms, both with the liquidity on ApeSwap:



🧲 Launch of Double Reward Program

We finally launched our DRP!
We know you Knights have been waiting a long time for the launch of this new program. Unfortunately, we have been waiting a while for the CertiK audit.

The program is now launched and we look forward to announcing the next projects that will join it.

This new farm offering provides pools for Krown and Partners allowing users to stake LP at and being rewarded with Krown tokens and Partner’s token in a 50% — 50% distribution rate.

➡️ Read the full article here
➡️ Start farming here
👉 If you’re a project interested in it, Apply Now!

🔵 TrustWallet token icon display

We are very close to reach the goal of 5000 holders to be able to add the symbol of our token in TrustWallet.
As many dapps get their tokens from here we are confident that the symbol of our token will appear in many other platforms.


The team continues to work following the roadmap. Auto-Compounding is close and we expect to announce it very soon. There are a few details to be refined, but it could already be coming next week! Stay tuned..

The team also really values our community and always love to hear your opinions and feedback. We look forward to hearing more from you all in the great discussion going on with our awesome mods in the community chat.

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