KingDeFi Weekly Development Update — 13

Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2021

Welcome to week thirteen of KingDeFi’s regular feature article, in which the team provides development updates for the benefit of our beloved Knights. We hope you all enjoy the series and get a lot from it as well.

Week ending 24/9/2021

The past week had some news and additions.
The main things were:

  • Auto-compounding explained
  • New projects added to Main Dashboard
  • Bridge update

🤖 Auto-compounding explained

As promised, we released an article explaining in detail how our auto-compounding works. You can find this same article also on our GitBook.

The first part consists of a more technical look at the mathematics, which is then followed by a more general explanation.

At the end, you will find some FAQs.

📊 New projects added to Main Dashboard

We are always selecting and adding new projects to our Main Dashboard, both from BSC and Solana.

This week we added:
BSC: Annex Finance, pNetwork, Kyber Network, Pinecone Finance
SOLANA: Parrot Protocol, Solyard

🔹Price 24H%
🔹Circulating Supply
🔹Market Cap
🔹Total Value Locked
🔹TVL 24H%

🌉 Bridge update

Solana farms are already finalised and with auditors! The team working on the farms in Solana has been able to move faster than expected, so we’re anticipating the launch.

Our partner all-bridge allowed us to bridge our token to Avalanche and Celo as well, so we decided to change the roadmap slightly and prioritize these two blockchains:

October: Avax, Solana
November: Celo, Heco
December: Ethereum


As planned, the team is focusing on expansions on other chains. The launch of farms in Polygon is confirmed for next week.

The team also really values our community and always love to hear your opinions and feedback. We look forward to hearing more from you all in the great discussion going on with our awesome mods in the community chat.

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