KingDeFi Weekly Development Update — 15

Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2021

Welcome to week fifteen of KingDeFi’s regular feature article, in which the team provides development updates for the benefit of our beloved Knights. We hope you all enjoy the series and get a lot from it as well.

Week ending 08/10/2021

The past week had great news and additions.
The main things were:

  • Multi-Asset Yield Optimiser announced & explained
  • ProtoFi Partnership
  • Official Marketing Channel launch
  • New projects added to Main Dashboard
  • AMA Mars finance

🔥 Multi-Asset Yield Optimiser announced & explained

In this article we explained the expansion of our new high performing continuous compounding mechanism to LP farms where rewards are other than KROWN. Adding buyback & burn KROWN integrated system.

As most of our investors already know we’ve specially engineered the smart contract so that everyone’s rewards compound each time there is some user interaction with the contract. For those wondering what entails a user interaction, depositing, withdrawing and harvesting are all user interactions which will trigger a compound event.

More times you compound, the higher the APY.

In the current DeFi landscape there are still a lot of projects working with manual compounding farms, or in alternative compounding with bots on daily basis.

From a mathematical prospective all those farms are inefficient when compared to KingDeFi’s compounding model. We have decided that it would be an amazing opportunity to expand our compounding offering to additional farms, bringing innovation and efficiency.

Read the rest of the article here.

➡️ Functionalities will be live mid October.

ProtoFi Partnership

In execution of our expansion plan on Polygon, we have formed a new partnership with ProtoFi. We issued two new pools together:
• KROWN+PROTO ➡️ Earn KROWN [on]
• PROTO+KROWN ➡️ Earn PROTO [on]

Official Marketing Channel launch

We have opened a new official channel! 🥳

The Official Marketing Channel will be used to keep the community up to date with our marketing initiatives.

👉 Join us and get informed!

📊 New projects added to Main Dashboard

We are always selecting and adding new projects to our Main Dashboard, both from BSC, Solana and from now on also Polygon.

This week we added:
POLYGON: Aave, Adamant, Polyquity and Polyalpha Finance

🔹Price 24H%
🔹Circulating Supply
🔹Market Cap
🔹Total Value Locked
🔹TVL 24H%

AMA Mars finance

We hosted an AMA with Mars Ecosystem on our Telegram channel.


We are very proud to have announced the new Multi-Asset Yield Optimiser. The smart contract is ready and Hacken is carrying out the audit. In the meantime we are preparing the UI changes. We expect to go live with a first selection of farms by mid-October. Then every week we will add dozens of farms from the main DEXes.

The team also really values our community and always love to hear your opinions and feedback. We look forward to hearing more from you all in the great discussion going on with our awesome mods in the community chat.

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