Kingdom Karnage - Happy New Year!

Nick’s reflection on 2021 at Kingdom Karnage

4 min readJan 20, 2022


Apologies its a bit late, but I want to start by wishing a Happy New Year to you and your families.

2021 has been a massive year for us at Kingdom Karnage and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on that. It’s been a year of putting down foundations and preparing, expect 2022 to be the year we build something flashy on the strong 2021 foundations.

At the start of 2021 I was a one man band working on Kingdom Karnage around my day job, commissioning art as I needed it and receiving a bit of support around events from redd. As we end 2021 the team has grown to 4 full time people: Nick (Founder, dev & CEO), Kandi (Lead artist), Sam “redd” (Community & Events) & Martien “zero1zero” (Community) and we’re already interviewing for a 5th full time member, a YouTuber & marketer that we hope will be joining us soon.

Looking back on 2021

One thing that's dominated the second half of this year has been our decision to launch our own cryptocurrency $KKT (read more). We realise there hasn’t been a lot of game development in the past few months, this is because with complete transparency, $KKT has taken up a lot of resource… researching, fund raising, setting up partnerships, advertising, stakeholder liaison …. the list goes on! However without it I’d probably still be a 1 man band working part time and we wouldn't be looking down the barrel of a wave of functionality Q1 2022 including IOS support, sponsorships, in-game auction house and item rentals.

The first half of 2021 launched a lot of notable functionality however, including:

  • Kingdom Karnage moved to Jumpnet - We were one of the first games to move to Enjin’s JumpNet in 2021, a place we’re now happy to call home. You, our community seem happy too, with gasless trading leading to more trades than ever. Kingdom Karnage is regularly in the top 3 by volume on the JumpNet marketplace. At the time of writing we are ranked 1st by monthly sales volume with 8,394 JENJ of sales (Over $19k with Enjin at $2.30 on 20/01/22).
  • Catacombs launch - We launched our most loot filled dungeon this year and with it there has been a wave of legendary & epic characters looted in the game. Catacombs lead to the introduction of the enchanted coin (a Catacombs exclusive), the looting of multiverse items and the potential for a passive income stream for Catacombs Key owners. Expect dungeons 2 and 3 of Catacombs to launch in 2022.
  • Lycans Lycans Lycans! - While its now hard to remember the game without them, 2021 was the year we introduced Lycans, and with them a whole new wave of abilities. The community also elected 4th race to be added to the game would be Elves (Coming 2022).
  • Never stop never stopping - In 2021 we established the idea that at Kingdom Karnage there would be something always going on (and proved that by holding a double diamond event on Xmas day!). We have successfully integrated “bounties” into the Kingdom Karnage week, and now hold regular weekend events. We have recently revealed our regular 4 week rotation for weekend events (click here to read more), ensuring anyone is never more than a month away from their favourite event.

Other notable moments from 2021:

  • Pioneers pride #NFT & event (Still ongoing, read more)
  • The launch of cosmetics (Read more about Themes)
  • The launch of Metacity dynamic characters (Buy them here)
  • The first KK QR beam.

Looking forward to 2022

2022 is going to be MAJOR for Kingdom Karnage. I can honestly say the next year is going to change everything. We’ve already held our token launch mid January and following $KKT game integration early February we wont be looking back.

Expect: faster development, new functionality, full multiplayer, new NFTs, a new race, better communication, more game modes, a new QR code drop, new events, sponsorships, more play2earn, stability improvements, and that's just the stuff we can talk about.

I want to thank you all for joining us on this journey. Here’s to an awesome 2022!

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