Kingdom Karnage Hunts

Complete targets to win prizes.

2 min readJun 20, 2022


What are Hunts?
Hunts are a way to score prizes by completing targets. You must complete a target & then be first to make a valid claim in chat during a specified timeframe.

Hunt ID: #hunt123
Prize: common pack + 10 runs added to your Prize Power.
Target: score 1 uncommon in The Keep and in The Tunnels and in Memories (bounties excluded).
Timeframe: Mon 1st Jan 10:00 UTC until 23:59 UTC on Fri 5th Jan.

How do I claim a Hunt?
To claim, write your claim in chat using this format:
Claim #huntID player name

Example: Claim #hunt123 Johny

The Hunts are always published on both telegram and discord. However -to keep things fair for people who may not use either telegram or discord- claiming Hunts alternates weekly between telegram and discord. So when for example in this week you can only claim on telegram…the next week you can only claim on discord.

Additional rules to keep in mind:
- Claim only after you successfully complete a target.
- Only the first player to make a valid claim wins.
- Only one prize per person per week.
- Keys & scrap do not count for hunts.

How & when will I get my prize?
Prizes are added in-game before next weeks hunts start.
When a player wins extra Prize Power for a regular Hunt then those runs will be added to their balance on weekdays evenly. For example, when players win 20 runs, they will receive 4 runs extra every weekday.

Pro Tip:
You can keep track of your loot by doing a search in the TG Overseer ( or Discord Overseer (#🎁overseer channel).

Example search terms: your playername + catacombs + uncommon

G’luck & enjoy!

