Kingdom Karnage - $KKT Utility #3

Introducing bounties - Get paid $KKT to complete Catacombs!

4 min readJan 31, 2022


Catacombs Bounties

Today we’re introducing a brand new play2earn feature to Kingdom Karnage “Catacombs Bounties”.

Catacombs Bounties add a brand new utility for Catacombs Keys while also providing a new way for all players to play and earn.

In short, Catacombs Bounties allow a key owner to pay another player a bounty (a fixed amount of $KKT) for them to complete the Catacombs dungeon on their behalf. The key owner then receives the loot, and the player receives the agreed $KKT bounty payment.

Players will noticed as pictured above that the Catacombs menu has been expanded with two new buttons, “Chase a bounty” and “List a bounty” to facilitate this new functionality.

Lets look at both sides in more detail…

Catacombs Key Owners (List a Bounty)

In a similar to leasing their key, Catacombs Key owners can select “List a Bounty”:

  • A key owner can stipulate the bounty payment in $KKT that they will pay a bounty hunter to run the Catacombs dungeon for them (red circle). The bounty will be instantly removed from their balance, which will be returned if the bounty is cancelled.
  • The key owner can also stipulate the MINIMUM luck the bounty hunter must be able to provide (green circle). The Luck figure is calculated by combining the bounty hunter’s equipped Lucky Trinket and any active Luck boosts.

The bounty then gets added to the available list of bounties, a hunter will always be shown the most lucrative bounty for his luck level. If new bounty is the highest available, it will be advertised in the Kingdom Karnage Overseer in Telegram & Discord.

Please note: Bounties listed will not be removed at server reset and will remain listed until they have been completed by a Bounty Hunter or removed by the key owner. Bounties completed will not auto relist at the start of a new day.

Bounty Hunter (Chase a Bounty)

Bounty Hunters should equip their highest level lucky trinket and click “Chase a Bounty” to see the most lucrative bounty available to them.

By clicking “Start Bounty” a Catacombs Dungeon will begin.

If the dungeon is aborted or the player fails to complete the dungeon, the key is relisted with exactly the same bounty for either the same or another player to attempt it. To prevent abuse, the daily key use is not lost like during a standard Catacombs dungeon run.

If the dungeon run is a success, the Key owner is given the dungeon loot, and the player is given the agreed amount of $KKT to their balance. The key is then “used” for the day and cannot be used again for any purpose until a new day starts at midnight UTC.

More info

  • When a bounty is listed by the key owner, the amount offered by a bounty hunter will be less a 5% tax. So if a key owner offers 20KKT, it is 19KKT that the bounty hunter will be offered and that will be shown on overseer.
  • Tax is only paid by the key owner when their bounty is successfully completed. Like other taxes in the game, half of this is fed into the community voting pool (Voting coming soon!).
  • Keys can only be listed for one function (Lease OR Bounty). If you attempt to list a bounty using a key that’s already available for lease, the lease will be removed (and vice versa).

What’re you waiting for?! Get bounty hunting!

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