Updates for KK Heroes & KK Clicker

Season Reset Changes & Improvements to Earning Red Gems

3 min readNov 10, 2023


Greetings! Today we are here with a few changes to our seasonal games (KK Heroes and KK Clicker). Kingdom Karnage itself is not currently affected by this update.

The Changes

  1. Season Reset Time - We tried to run our season resets at a time that was convenient to the majority of players, which meant they were in the evening for the Kingdom Karnage Team. Unfortunately, season resets (and thus updates) happening in the Team’s evening time meant there was less double-checking and testing during maintenance (due to other commitments of the team). This caused an unacceptable level of mistakes to be made by the team, which has caused us to move the season reset of KK Heroes and KK Clicker to 13:00 UTC.
  2. New Adverts - We have been aware that audio adverts have been a very different experience based on your geographical location with some locations completely unable to access this feature. To combat this, your game will now try and load an audio advert, if this fails, it will now load a video advert (which will now also award red gems). This change should mean that all locations now have access to earn the red gem currency.
    Note: As part of this change, the 1-hour video boost in KK Clicker has been removed.

Implementation Schedule

KK Heroes

  • Season Time Changes - The current season (ending 13/11/23) will finish at 13:00 UTC on Monday 13th November. Following this, all seasons of Heroes will finish at 13:00 UTC with a new season starting moments later.
  • Advert Changes - Integration will be planned following a few weeks of the new advert system working well on KK Clicker.

KK Clicker

  • Season Time Change - The season starting at 17:00 UTC on Friday 10th of November will finish at 13:00 UTC on Friday 17th November. Following this, all seasons of Clicker will finish at 13:00 UTC with a new season starting moments later.
  • Advert Changes - The season starting on 10th November will feature the new advert system update. To use the new advert system you will need to upgrade your installation of Clicker to v1.28.

We understand the season time changes may not be ideal for everyone, but hope you appreciate the need for this change, the game isn’t stable it's ideal for no one!

We look forward to a new era of the game where red gems can be earned by everyone!

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