Kingdomly Whitepaper

Published in
9 min readJun 15, 2023

Understanding the unstoppable force that is, Kingdomly.


TL;DR Bullet List for the Kingdomly Whitepaper:

  • Kingdomly’s mission is to make crypto more accessible, focusing on NFTs with utility.
  • Our rental protocol enables trustless lending of utility-based NFTs, providing access to those who can’t afford them.
  • Kingdomly Creator is a premium no-code NFT generator, making NFT creation accessible to everyone.
  • We solve the problem of NFT inaccessibility with our user-friendly experience.
  • Our rental protocol boosts network effects for crypto games and NFTfi protocols, increasing yield for early adopters.
  • Kingdomly is the first NFT rental protocol allowing double listing for rent and sale simultaneously.
  • Our end-to-end NFT generation solution handles everything from art generation to mint page deployment.
  • We are planning to support aggregation of listings from other marketplaces and implement rent-to-own functionality.
  • Kingdomly has partnerships with WenLaunch and Berachain, expanding our reach and providing exposure.
  • Our roadmap outlines future plans for our NFT marketplace, NFT generator, and token gated community pages.
  • We remain open to opportunities for launching a token, prioritizing sustainable value for our community.
  • The Kingdomly team is experienced and dedicated to driving the project forward.
  • Join us as we revolutionize the NFT landscape and unlock the true potential of this unstoppable force.
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Intro to Rental Marketplace

Kingdomly all began with a simple mission: to make crypto more accessible. We realized NFTs were the cultural spearhead that crypto needed to meet the masses, yet NFTs still fell short in several categories. Utility, being a major factor in consumer interest, was largely overlooked. The paradigm between utility based NFT creators and their early adopters was not conducive to long term economic alignment.

You can read more about the paradigm shift in rentable utility NFTs here.

We built our rental protocol to solve a major problem faced by utility NFTs. With Kingdomly, anyone who owns a utility based NFT can lend it out to others trustlessly. Anyone struggling to afford an NFT who wants to use it to play a new game or access a new community can.

You can find a deeper overview of that here.

In summary, our rental protocol helps crypto games and NFTfi protocols unlock true network effects for their services, boosting yield with their early adopters.

Creator Launch Page

Inception of Creator

In the process of finding new ways to make crypto more accessible, we stumbled upon the idea of Kingdomly Creator. We found that the act of creating an interesting and unique NFT project itself was inaccessible. We were determined to change that.

We found it impossible for someone to create a generative NFT collection without knowing how to code or pay someone to code. This disappointed us. We knew we could help solve the problem of inaccessibility for NFT creation. This is why we built Kingdomly Creator.

You can think of us like Shopify, but for NFTs.

Kingdomly Creator is our premium no-code NFT generator. You provide the art assets; we deploy the metadata, contract and mint page. You can think of us like Shopify, but for NFTs. We believe that someday soon anyone will possess the power to create all kinds of tokenized assets ranging from game assets to tokenized real estate and subscriptions.

The rest of this whitepaper will cover in greater depth our NFT creator and marketplace, who we think should use it and how it functions. We will also share how you may get involved as a community member or user.


The problem is simple. Most people want NFTs with utility. Yet there are few NFT collections with true utility. Creating them is difficult for most crypto natives and buying them is difficult for most non-crypto natives. In addition to this, high floor prices create unnecessarily high barriers to entry for utility accessible via NFTs.

link to media

The perception among many normies and NPCs is that NFTs are merely speculative assets. NFTs as purely a speculative asset, or an alternative gambling opportunity, does not scale well. The audience attracted to such an idea of NFTs is limited (sorry to my degen frens). To the vast majority of the world: if utility is what you want, utility is what we will give you. With Kingdomly, anyone will be able to create, trade and rent utility NFTs with ease.

To the vast majority of the world: if utility is what you want, utility is what we will give you.


We solve the NFT inaccessibility problem in a single complex, yet simplified, user experience. If you want a highly detailed guidebook for how Kingdomly functions and how to use us, please check out our docs. This my friend is the whitepaper, not a tutorial.

Additionally, if you would like to see someone use our products in a demo, you may do so here (for the rental marketplace) and here (for the NFT Creator).

Kingdomly created the first truly open NFT rental protocol, accessible to builders and buyers. All that is required of builders is to add our rental token gate API to their token gate. All that users need to do is list their NFT for rent. We are the only NFT rental protocol that allows you to double list for rent and sell at the same time.

For NFT generation we created the best end-to-end solution for creating generative NFT projects. Our software handles everything from art generation to mint page deployment. As an artist or creator all you have to do is have your layer artwork done and we handle the rest.

If you’d like a more in depth product strategy and direction check our roadmap below.


We currently do not possess a token, and we do not have any immediate plans to launch one. Our intention is to wait for a significant opportunity that truly requires a token to provide sustainable value to our community before considering its implementation.

We do however, plan to create an early NFT collection. Total supply, mint price and utility is still being actively debated internally.

Team and Partners


Ethan is one of the Cofounders of Kingdomly. He handles partnerships, business development and product management. His background includes running a gaming guild in Axie Infinity and working as a product manager at a Blockchain Development Studio. He likes to talk about crypto, gaming and tech. Here is his Twitter.

Mr. Zergucci is one of the Cofounders of Kingdomly. He handles smart contract development, partnerships and tech R&D. His background includes helping out with multiple NFT projects and NFTfi related protocols. He likes to talk about crypto, software and AI. Here is his Twitter.

Kobe, or Kobs, is also one of the Cofounders of Kingdomly. He handles web3 integrations, full stack development and project management. Kobe is the peanut butter to our peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He helps hold it together. Kobe enjoys long walks on the beach and waking up early for Kingdomly meetings.

Matthew is a fullstack developer helping Kingdomly out with our various frontend needs and backend integrations. Matt is the son of John Mayer (not really), just ask him to sing for you.

Mikha is awesome, she does full stack development for Kingdomly with a majority focus on backend integrations.

Miles is cool, he helps out with marketing and partnerships. He posts for our Twitter a decent amount.

Isaac helps out with UI. He designs some of our content and helps touch things up in other ways.



Kingdomly has partnered with WenLaunch to facilitate the automatic distribution of every collection launched through us to WenLaunch’s extensive network of 60 Discords, reaching a total of 60,000 individuals. This partnership benefits the network supported by WenLaunch by offering high-quality leads for NFT drops, while simultaneously granting significant exposure to potential collectors for collections launched through Kingdomly.


Kingdomly is added to the official partner Discord and will be launching on Berachain once it is live.


Kingdomly has partnered with WenLaunch to automatically distribute collections launched through them to WenLaunch’s network. This benefits WenLaunch with high-quality NFT drop leads and provides significant exposure to potential collectors. HoneyCast, an affiliated project with Berachain, will utilize Kingdomly’s platform for their first NFT collection, gaining access to its comprehensive technical capabilities and exposure to WenLaunch’s 60,000 Discord member reach.


We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Beradrome! Beradrome endorses our rental marketplace, allowing users to borrow Beras on Bikes and enjoy their incredible utility. With our rental platform, Beradrome NFT holders can access benefits such as increased voting power and exclusive event access without selling their NFTs. In return, Kingdomly receives a hibero allocation, enabling us to direct emissions to our favorite Beradrome liquidity pools. This partnership opens up new opportunities and enhances the utility of Beradrome NFTs.


Beraland is a community aggregator for the Berachain ecosystem. We have partnered to provide mutual exposure to Berachain related projects launching on Kingdomly.

6 Stealth Projects (coming thooon..)

Kingdomly has already secured 6 upcoming NFT collections planning to launch on Kingdomly…


This roadmap outlines the accomplishments and future plans for Kingdomly, covering our NFT marketplace, NFT generator, and token gated community pages.

NFT Marketplace: Current Accomplishments, Future plans

Current Accomplishments

  • Developed a system for non-collateralized NFT rentals, including a custom escrow contract.
  • Created a REST API for easy integration of rental utility into token gates.
  • Implemented a rental protocol supporting the ERC4907 standard.
  • Utilized a secure JIT flash loan solution.
  • Enabled offers for renting and supported basic purchase transactions.

Future Plans

  • Aggregation of listings from other marketplaces.
  • Implementation of rent-to-own support.

NFT Creator: Current Accomplishments, Future Plans

Current Accomplishments

  • Multi-chain NFT generation with generative art capabilities.
  • Integration with IPFS for decentralized storage.
  • Customization options for NFT smart contracts.
  • Post-deployment editing and collection page creation.

Future Plans

  • Account abstraction for user-friendly wallet access.
  • Support for card payments and additional NFT standards.
  • Integration of Thirdwebs login/wallet widget.
  • Support for multiple chains.
  • Integration of ETM metaverse metadata standard.
  • Free deploy with OS type metadata vouchers.
  • Abstraction or removal of metadata page.
  • Premint mint gating.
  • Pay with card onramp.
  • On-chain affiliates with ChainVine.
  • Support for Sukuri.

Token Gated Community Pages: Current Accomplishments, Future Plans

Current Accomplishments

  • Token gated community pages for NFT owners and renters.

Future Plans

  • Development of customizable forums and social experiences.
  • Generation of token gated communities.
  • Chat functionality and social profiles.

Please note that this roadmap is subject to updates and improvements. For integration requests or better documentation, please contact

Risks and Challenges

While the Kingdomly team is committed to driving the project forward, it’s important to acknowledge the potential risks involved. Unforeseen events such as the incapacitation or loss of key team members could impact the project’s continuity.

However, aside from such unforeseeable circumstances, we believe that with proper planning and execution, Kingdomly is well-equipped to overcome any challenges that may arise. For a comprehensive list of risks, please refer to this document provided to review all the potential risks identified by ChatGPT regarding Kingdomly.


Kingdomly is driven by a mission to make crypto more accessible by addressing the limitations and gaps in the NFT ecosystem. With our rental marketplace, we enable the lending of utility-based NFTs, allowing anyone to access and utilize NFTs they may not be able to afford. Our rental protocol creates economic alignment and fosters network effects for crypto games and NFTfi protocols. In addition, Kingdomly Creator provides a no-code solution for creating generative NFT projects, making NFT creation accessible to all. We envision a future where tokenized assets across various industries can be easily created and traded using our platform.

Through our partnerships with WenLaunch and Berachain, we have expanded our reach and provided exposure to potential collectors. Our roadmap outlines the achievements and future plans for our NFT marketplace, NFT generator, and token gated community pages. We are continuously working to enhance our offerings, including the aggregation of listings from other marketplaces, implementing rent-to-own functionality, and supporting multiple chains and NFT standards.

While we currently do not have a token, we remain open to opportunities that bring sustainable value to our community. Our dedicated team, comprising experienced individuals in the crypto and development fields, is committed to driving Kingdomly forward and overcoming any challenges that may arise.

As we move forward, we are excited to continue empowering creators and users within the NFT space, providing accessibility, utility, and a seamless user experience. Join us on this journey as we revolutionize the NFT landscape and unlock the true potential of this unstoppable force.

For integration requests or further information, please contact

