Kingdoms Beyond Beginner Guide

Kingdoms Beyond
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2019

Kingdoms Beyond is a free to play MMORPG thats available to play right now on your browser. In a couple of minutes, you will be slaughtering sheep, earning gold, and exploring the world of Kingdoms Beyond.

Start by signing up for an account at

Login and click on the play now button to start playing!

This is the first screen you will enter. Pick a channel that you want, if you are playing with friends, you will see them and can chat with them in the world if you are both in the same channel. The blue loading bar indicates the amount of people online. We can hold at most 20 people per channel at the moment.

Loading takes a while, please be patient. Loading only occurs if you keep it in an active tab, if you switch tabs, it won’t load.

When you sign up, you’ll get two common heroes, a common warrior, and a common archer.


Use the scroll wheel to zoom out and see more of the world. Use the WASD keys or right click to move around the world. Click on a mob with left click to fight them in battle!

Changing Heroes and Load Out

Press I or use the bottom left button to open up your inventory. You will be able to switch between heroes by dragging and dropping heroes into your load out.

Hero Details

To view the hero details, click on the hero from the inventory page.

The hero detail page shows the hero’s level, stats, and potential moves.


Each turn, you will have 3 actions in total.

If you choose to move and then use an ability, your ability will fire from the location where you moved.

Dodging and positioning is crucial in order to succeed in battles.

The speed stat is used to determine the order of battle.

Monsters currently drop gold and give heroes exp.

Level up your heroes to learn new abilities!

Explore with Friends

It’s more fun with friends. Chat and explore and explore an open world with your friends. Jump in and explore the world of Kingdoms Beyond today!

Starting world

