Ricardo Cabrita
Kingfisher Design
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2022


NFL London meeting point

Had an amazing 2 days at the NFT London, and my thoughts are…

We’re still in very early stages, and we have the chance to learn and build together!

800+ speakers during 2 days at the QEII Centre

Imagine having a front seat when the internet was invented? Of course there was scepticism, and uneducated people calling it rubbish! But here we are, we’ve made it through static and dynamic websites with Web1, then some transformation with web interactions and the emergence of social media networks with Web2 and now entering the exciting world of Web3 with smart contracts, decentralised autonomous organisations or DAO, blockchain, crypto currencies, NFTs and more!

If this doesn’t excite you, it’s fine. Like someone said at the event “you don’t need to understand how emails work, you just need to know you receive them and from who”. There’s still lots of jargon that scares people, but this will soon be just another embedded system in our daily lives… Do you remember MP3s? Where are they these days? Probably still in your phone and I’m sure you’ve listen to them on your way to work today, yet no one mentions the word MP3 anymore, it’s jargon — same as NFTs 😏

Some NFT aficionados and the view from the centre.

Right, my thoughts… I definitely felt that I wasn’t attending a NFT conference but a Tech conference, and that’s what it should be called! We’re diving into a new tech space and it can’t be confused with more images of apes! Although half of the crowd was really into pretty jpegs and their communities (also nothing wrong about that)!

Phigital NFT. And a room full of gamers.

My overall sentiment is that there were 3 strong groups in this conference:

🧠 The entrepreneurs

Start-ups, artists, tech experts and brilliant minds that believe the new technology available can help to solve some of the world’s biggest problems (e.g. poverty, climate action, sustainability, life below water, life on land and many others)

🖼️ The pfp NFT fanatics

that came dressed in extravagant ways, with their favourite or most valuable NFTs printed on their clothes and hats, dropping their ‘mascot’ stickers everywhere they go and tirelessly connecting with their community fellow members. Some of these had the luck of flipping their jpegs for thousands or even millions of dollars at that time, others live in the hope of one day doing it the same.

🎮 The gamers!

They are the silent and extremely intelligent people that are genuinely creating ways to connect and evolve the gaming scene. Laying the groundwork for others to take it to another level.

I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with all of these groups and they all share something in common, the excitement of being part of something so disruptive, transformational with an endless amount of opportunities!

The future is bright 🔮

The utility behind some NFT projects

