Embracing Authentic Leadership: My Journey in the WiHTL and DiR Global Women Leaders Programme

Jenny Wilson
7 min readJun 8, 2023

In today’s fast-paced tech world, leadership is a topic that carries immense importance. We often hear about the significance of being a good leader, but what does it truly mean to lead authentically? Well, let me share with you my journey in the Women in Hospitality, Travel, and Leisure (WiHTL) and Diversity in Retail (DiR ) Global Women Leaders Programme, which provided me with incredible insights into this very question.

The logo for WIHTL and DIR

One of the coolest things about the programme was that it started by shining a spotlight on our individual strengths and weaknesses. We all have things we excel at and things that drain our energy. They called these “Learned Behaviours” — activities we’ve learned to do but don’t necessarily enjoy. It was like getting to know myself on a whole new level!

Unsurprisingly, the assessment revealed that I have a genuine passion for explaining things to people. Given my role as an Enterprise Architect at Kingfisher, this finding made perfect sense, as I often find myself bringing people together to get consensus between diverse business and technology opinions. However, the assessment also highlighted one of my significant weaknesses — being in the spotlight. This realisation hit home because, as a leader, being in the spotlight is an inherent part of the role. It became evident that I needed to address this weakness head-on, more on this later.

The WiHTL and DiR Global Women Leaders Programme offered a wide range of sessions that were both enriching and eye-opening. Through these sessions, I had the opportunity to listen to the inspiring journeys of successful women leaders from the hospitality and retail industries. Their stories provided me with a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of motivation. It was truly empowering to witness their achievements and learn from their experiences, as they demonstrated that with determination and resilience, anything is possible.

feminine robot in front of human audience

The series of sessions we all attended also delved into essential areas such as personal branding, networking, strategic leadership, and the significance of transition, transformation, and trust in leadership. Each provided a unique chance to learn, grow, and put into practice new strategies. I found immense value in each of these sessions as they broadened my horizons and challenged my preconceived notions about leadership.

In terms of some of the invaluable lessons I gleaned from this programme, first and foremost, I was struck by the remarkable talent of the women I encountered throughout the journey. Their ambition, resilience, and determination were awe-inspiring. It served as a poignant reminder that gender should never be a barrier to success. We must actively support and celebrate the accomplishments of women across all industries, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive and grow.

Furthermore, it became evident that women possess an equal level of ambition as our male counterparts. Despite societal stereotypes suggesting otherwise, the programme reinforced the notion that women are just as driven to succeed. This revelation encouraged me to embrace my aspirations fully and acknowledge that reaching the upper echelons of leadership is within my grasp. Recognising our own ambitions is a vital step towards achieving our goals, something a lot of us shy away from.

the graduating class posed for a photo approx 80 people
A snap of the graduating class

Programmes like the Global Women Leaders Programme play a crucial role in addressing the gender imbalance we see across our industries. By equipping women with the necessary skills, knowledge, and support, such activities aim to bridge the gender gap in leadership and empower women to pursue and attain senior positions. They provide a platform for women to learn from successful leaders, share experiences, and build networks that can propel them forward.

One of the most significant takeaways from the Programme was the power of authentic leadership. It emphasised the importance of leading with transparency, integrity, and staying true to oneself. As an Enterprise Architect at Kingfisher, I recognised the tremendous value that authentic leadership can bring to my role and the organisation. Authentic leadership starts with self-awareness. Understanding my strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs allows me to lead with authenticity. I can leverage my natural inclination for explaining complex concepts to bring clarity and foster understanding among diverse stakeholders. By embracing my strengths, I can create an environment where business and technology stakeholders can come together and find common ground.

Additionally, being aware of my weakness, particularly being in the spotlight, has prompted me to work on developing this aspect of my leadership style. I now see it as an opportunity for growth rather than a roadblock. By stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing visibility, I can inspire and motivate others, building trust and credibility within the organisation.

Authentic leadership also entails being genuine and transparent in communication. By sharing my experiences, insights, and challenges, I can establish open and honest lines of communication with my colleagues. This transparency fosters trust, encourages collaboration, and creates an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Moreover, as an authentic leader, I understand the importance of empowering others. I don’t manage a team and I have the tough job of influencing others without authority. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and authenticity, we can harness the collective strengths of our collaborative team and drive innovation and success in our work.

Kingfisher’s Leadership Behaviours allow us to hold ourselves accountable

In my role as an Enterprise Architect, I’ve made a pledge to utilise authentic leadership to bridge the gap between business and technology. By creating an environment where people feel comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and aspirations, I can foster a collaborative approach to problem-solving and decision-making. I will strive to understand the unique perspectives and needs of both business and technology stakeholders, facilitating effective communication and alignment.

The guidance and support of a mentor can have a profound impact on one’s personal and professional growth. In the Programme, I was fortunate enough to be matched with an exceptional mentor who has played a significant role in my journey. Her outside-in perspective and unwavering support have been instrumental in helping me gain confidence, expand my skill set, and embrace new approaches to leadership.

My mentor, a PR Director, brought a unique perspective that I had not previously considered. As a tech professional, I initially wondered how someone from a different field could provide relevant insights. I quickly realised that leadership transcends industry boundaries. Our mentor-mentee relationship taught me the valuable lesson that learning and growth can come from unexpected places.

She helped me see the importance of finding the right headlines and messages that resonate with different individuals. I learned to tailor my communication style to diverse stakeholders, whether they were business-oriented or technology-focused. This approach has strengthened my ability to connect with people from various backgrounds and effectively convey complex ideas.

female robot with hard hat leading others

Furthermore, my mentor’s wealth of experience and industry knowledge has been a valuable resource in expanding my skill set. She has shared invaluable insights into the world of public relations, crisis management, and stakeholder engagement.

The mentorship relationship has been a reciprocal one, as I have also been able to provide insights and perspectives from the technology realm. This exchange of ideas and experiences has further enriched our mentorship dynamic, creating a mutually beneficial learning experience.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from her, and her mentorship has had a lasting impact on my professional journey.

In summary, my participation in the WiHTL and DiR Global Women Leaders Programme has been a transformative experience that has allowed me to grow and develop as a leader through authenticity. Through the programme, I gained valuable insights into my strengths and weaknesses, learned from inspiring female leaders, and explored topics such as personal branding, networking, strategic leadership, and trust in leadership. I am grateful to Kingfisher for nominating me and providing me with the opportunity to participate in this programme, which has empowered me to embrace my ambitions, bridge the gender gap in leadership, and lead with authenticity as an Enterprise Architect.

Now I’m just off to make a difference and probably get an ice cream!

robot with female body

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