Full Results of June 12, 1993 Presidential Elections in Images

Obi Igbokwe
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2018

The Federal Government has decided to declare June 12 as the day that Nigeria will set aside a day to celebrate its democracy. The day, also known as Democracy Day was previously celebrated on the 31st of May to mark the day that power was handled back to civilians after more than a decade of military rule.

However, the current administration of President Buhari, decide to move that date to June 12 of every year as from next year. The reason the administration gave was to recognise the day that many believe the most free and fair election was held on that same in 1993.

The election was between Bashir Tofa of the National Republican Convention, NRC, and Abiola of the Social Democratic Party, SDP.

On June 15, 1993 the National Electoral Commission (NEC) released the results from 14 states (including the Federal Capital Territory). The following day (June 16, 1993) the Abuja High Court ordered that further announcement of the results should be suspended. The regime of former military president, Ibrahim Babaginda subsequently annulled the exercise.

The results were as shown in the table below:

*States in which results were released. Source: Nigerian History Channel
June 12, 1993 Nigerian Presidential Results: How The States Voted for Both Candidates
June 12, 1993 Nigerian Presidential Results: How The States Voted for Moshood Abiola
June 12, 1993 Nigerian Presidential Results: How The States Voted for Bashir Tofa

