The Major Risk No ICOs Are Talking About

Kingsland - School of Blockchain
Kingsland University


Keywords: ICO, Blockchain, Investing, Developers, Humanitarian

With initial coin offerings (ICOs), no risk means no reward. But the rewards could be astronomical. The blockchain technology that powers ICOs makes enticing promises like providing secure networks and the ability to address global issues, on top of high returns. ICOs have been criticized for factors ranging from a lack of formal auditing to market volatility, but the factor putting blockchain investments in the most jeopardy is being largely overlooked: who is going to build these projects? Investors are already taking the plunge, planning blockchain projects funded by ICO. But they are hindered by a market shortage of qualified blockchain professionals. Demand for developers is only climbing, punctuating the urgency to find a solution — and fast — before firms with blockchain projects in their sights are forced to embrace costly or inefficient options. It’s time we made the risk worth the reward.

What the sector needs now is the availability of a standardized curriculum provided by an accredited …


