How To Submit To KINK

Sexuality, erotic fiction & poetry, health & advice

Zachary Phillips


KINK is a place to share all things sex and sexuality.

If you have a sexy poem, fictional piece, or real life confession, or if you have advice for sexual health, healing, stigma reduction and acceptance, we would love to share it!

The number one criteria that we are looking engagement.

We want our readers to be to be moved by your piece, we want them to leave excited, educated, or turned on.

We have broken this publication into four sections. This will enable readers to choose which kind of topics they would like to consume. When submitting, make sure to use the following titles as tags, so that your piece is sorted appropriately.

  1. Poetry
  2. Fiction
  3. Real Life
  4. Sexual Health

Submission specifics
1) Length: Articles/poetry of any length and style are acceptable, provided that they provide they are engaging.
2) Start with a title (All Words Capitalised Like This), then a subtitle (First word capitalised like this) then a picture (with a linked credit, placed at the top of your piece).
3) Any number of pictures can be used, provided they add to the piece and are credited appropriately.
4)Make sure to…



Zachary Phillips

Intuitive Guide. Poet. Shadow Hunter. Coach. I help entrepreneurs navigate dark nights of the soul & find peace.