Make Me

Our roles are established

T.K. Abernathy
2 min readSep 15, 2023


He could make me do anything

But his authority is gracious, and it consumes me

And I obey him, happily

His arms have the power to put my mind and body at ease — a reprieve

I ask him to squeeze me, and he does so, tightly

His hands are commanding

They trace my waist, and hips

And with every inch

I’m pulled a little closer

And wound a little tighter

And when his fingers find the backs of my thighs

He clicks me in place

It surprises me every time our pieces find each other

It’s the best fucking puzzle I’ve ever put together

He could make me do anything

But his mouth is generous, and it intoxicates me

And his lips have their own intentions

I am dying to know what they are

He could make me beg, but there is no need

Since he pulls my strings, behind the scenes

And guides my head between his thighs

Which, at this point, I’m holding onto for dear life

And with every breath.

I push him a little further

And wind him a little tighter

And slow down when he’s close

Because he doesn’t know it makes him come harder

For that, I will beg, but there is no need

He never leaves me empty

He whispers, “good girl” as he lifts me from the floor

There are no two words I need or want to hear more

And he fucks me with rhythmic purpose

His thrusts, consistent — the beat to my screaming chorus

It’s the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard

And he doesn’t even realize he’s playing

Or that the song will be stuck in my head for days

Or that I feel him inside me long after he’s gone




T.K. Abernathy
Writer for

When I can slow my thoughts enough to translate and organize their intent in a way that reflects my creativity, but also resonates with you...I write them down.