Read Receipts

T.K. Abernathy
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2023

Turn me on, then leave me on read.

Anticipating his reply

Turns to anxiety and I

Never took disregard very well

So I check my email

And bite my lip

And try my best not to dwell

But I know his phone is in hand right now

And I know he saw my text

It’s been 15 minutes

I’ll wait 15 more

While I think about what to say next

If read receipts are any indicator

Of what’s going on in his head

I’m afraid I’m fucked

In the worst way because

He continually leaves me on read

But what if possibly my shitty reception

Is causing this misunderstanding

An innocent delay

Inconvenient, but hey

I don’t want to seem too demanding

He’s probably just making dinner, or something

Maybe he’s taking a shower

Which means he’s naked

Shit, now I can’t focus

On anything but his…manpower

My mind quickly shifts

From worry, and drifts

To thoughts of him smacking my ass

But memories suck

When you just want to fuck

The one person who won’t text you back



T.K. Abernathy
Writer for

When I can slow my thoughts enough to translate and organize their intent in a way that reflects my creativity, but also resonates with you...I write them down.