Go to Kinky Marketing
Kinky Marketing
A marketing blog for twisted thinkers
Note from the editor

A marketing blog for twisted thinkers. For too long marketing articles have rehashed the same material, so we’re throwing a kink into that bland tradition. Ample humor, biased journalism, and rampant plagiarism make Kinky Marketing a new kind of marketing blog; namely, one that should probably be shut down. Interested in writing for us? Send a note to kinkymarketing@gmail.com.

Go to the profile of Chris Shuptrine
Chris Shuptrine
Award-winning VP of Marketing who helps software companies scale. I also write plays in my free time.
Go to the profile of Kinky Marketing
Kinky Marketing
A marketing blog for twisted thinkers. For too long marketing articles have rehashed the same material, so we're throwing a kink into that bland tradition.