OpenAI Showcases New GPT-4o Advanced Voice Demo — It Can Teach You a Language

OpenAI Showcases New GPT-4o Advanced Voice Demo — It Can Teach You a Language

Stefano Cappellini
Kinomoto.Mag AI
3 min readJun 28, 2024


Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

Delayed Rollout: OpenAI has confirmed that advanced voice features won’t be rolled out in ChatGPT until later this year, but continues to provide glimpses of what we can expect. The latest demonstration highlights GPT-4o’s impressive linguistic capabilities, teaching users Portuguese.

Spring Update Unveiling: GPT-4o was unveiled during OpenAI’s spring update earlier this year, showcasing remarkable advanced voice capabilities. They also revealed some vision and screen-sharing features, which we now know won’t arrive until much later in the year or possibly early next year.

Live Translation and Language Teaching: One of the main selling points included in the original demo was GPT-4o’s ability to function as a live translation device. However, from the new demonstrations, we’re starting to see that it can also be an incredible language teacher, a feature I’ve personally experienced to a lesser degree with the current voice model.

Practical Demonstration: In a new OpenAI video, a native English speaker trying to learn Portuguese and a Spanish speaker with a basic understanding of the language used ChatGPT to improve their skills. At various points, they ask it to slow down or explain terms — and it does so perfectly.

Native Speech-to-Speech Capability: What makes the new ChatGPT-4o advanced voice so exciting is its native speech-to-speech capability. Unlike previous models that first convert speech to text and vice versa for responses, this one naturally understands what you’re saying.

Versatile Language Features: The ability to natively understand speech and audio allows for exciting features, including working across multiple languages, adopting different accents, or changing the speed, tone, and vibrancy of a voice, essentially making it the perfect teacher.

Advanced Feedback Mechanism: Its native speech capabilities enable it to listen to what you’re saying, analyze your pronunciation of certain words, and even your accent. It can then offer direct feedback based on what it’s heard rather than assessing a transcript.

Problem-Solving Capabilities: Moreover, GPT-4o boasts impressive reasoning and problem-solving capabilities, allowing it to identify less obvious mistakes in language usage.

Multi-Functional Demonstrations: While OpenAI has officially shared videos demonstrating its use as a math teacher, unofficial demos have shown its ability to create sound effects while storytelling and use multiple different voices.

Significant Leap in AI: The advanced voice mode, particularly the ability to understand speech natively, appears to be one of the most significant leaps in artificial intelligence since OpenAI put a chat interface on its GPT-3 model in November 2022.


  1. Q: When will GPT-4o be available to the public? A: OpenAI has confirmed that advanced voice features won’t be rolled out in ChatGPT until later this year.
  2. Q: What makes GPT-4o different from previous voice models? A: GPT-4o has native speech-to-speech capability, allowing it to understand and respond in natural speech without converting to text first.
  3. Q: Can GPT-4o teach multiple languages? A: Yes, GPT-4o can work across multiple languages and has been demonstrated teaching Portuguese.
  4. Q: Does GPT-4o have visual capabilities as well? A: Yes, vision and screen-sharing features were revealed, but these won’t be available until later.
  5. Q: Can GPT-4o provide feedback on pronunciation and accent? A: Yes, it can analyze pronunciation and accent, offering direct feedback based on what it hears.
  6. Q: Is GPT-4o limited to language teaching? A: No, it has also been demonstrated as a math teacher and has shown capabilities in storytelling with sound effects.
  7. Q: How does GPT-4o compare to human language teachers? A: While impressive, it’s important to note that GPT-4o is an AI tool and may not fully replace human teachers who can offer personalized, contextual instruction.
  8. Q: Can GPT-4o create different voices? A: Yes, unofficial demos have shown its ability to use multiple different voices.
  9. Q: Is GPT-4o capable of real-time translation? A: Yes, one of its main features is its ability to function as a live translation device.
  10. Q: How significant is GPT-4o in the field of AI? A: It’s considered one of the most significant leaps in AI since the chat interface was added to GPT-3 in November 2022.



Stefano Cappellini
Kinomoto.Mag AI

📝💻 Lover of writing & AI, fitness enthusiast, passionate about coding. Let's explore and innovate together! 🚀🤖