Guardians of the Culture

Kinship Dies in Darkness
2 min readMay 15, 2017


Some Unsubstantiated and Unstructured thoughts on Guardians and Jung and the Monomyth.

Trope inversion(maybe bcos postmodern irreverence and comedy)Father rescues son, son descends into chaos earth core to murder father

Blue is not devouring father. Other father is: Ego.

Ego (duh) presents unlimited power and fuel for pratts flaw, that which splintered his group and weakened himself, arrogance. He climactically sees the need to step down and not domineer when the groups health is at stake.

Rocket has no character development? Just continues being himself then rides off of Yondu’s arc.

Dead father in abyss (space drowned by vagrant Ravagers). Yondu outed from Ravagers because he became a non-vagrant. He grew up. He took on a child, held responsibility. No longer compatible with lost boys. (The value in Yondu’s growth and virtue becomes evident in his sacrifice; the Lost Boys finally respect and honor him).

Yondu loses his agency when his Ravager community (his clouded abyssmal environment overtakes him; the abyss stares back)outs him, restores when Soldier, extension of the boons of Yondu’s virtue, catches up to Yondu. Yondu embraces his heart and puts aside his gut in this rebirth. He burns his old ship and pilots a lighter fore-ship, unencumbered.

What’s the deal with the following? Revived Father rescuing Hero from his victory in the Abyss. It’s standard that Hero confronts Lizard and is maimed; Supernatural aid returns Hero to Order/Conscious/Community. Is Yondu revived father AND supernatural aid.

Kurt is Culture and tries to indoctrinate Pratt but he gets imperial. Kurt promises Pratt immortality if he regularly returns to core of power and revives it. It provides unlimited power and everlasting influence. It is culture. Note also that Kurt recognizes Pratt’s references to American culture unlike everybody else in the Space Opera.

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