Having a Boo-Thang: A Monologue

Kinship Dies in Darkness


I enjoy having a girlfriend. Its pretty nice. Though, it helps when you click really well with her. We take care of each other which is nice. She’s pretty rad. Likes clothes like I do, likes comedians, likes art, she’s witty , and pushes me to do things when I think I cant. I genuinely enjoy every minute with her. And nowadays I spend almost every minute with her. Every time she smiles my day gets better. There are times when we are just in sync. She just gets me. As such I try to treat her how a person of such caliber should be treated. Help her in any way possible.Comfort her, get things for her, make her happy. And she does the sames things for me. Its good. Really good.

There are some downsides though. I worry about her all the time. I cant help it. I care about her too much. If she gets sick I worry, If she is stressed I worry, just a lot of worrying. I know that she can take care of herself but I just cant help it. Plus, sometimes she pushes herself too hard and I always wanna be there to make sure that doesn’t happen, or if it does to help her heal. Another downside is that there are times where I am burning with jealousy. Like when a dude tries to hit on her or I see another dude I don’t know making her laugh. Like I know its nothing and shes not just gonna up and leave me for some random dude, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. The other downside is that at the moment, I am very susceptible to getting immensely hurt emotionally by this girl. She could break up with me, or god forbid cheat on me and I would be broken. Near irreparable. Its scary. I’ve never cared for someone this much before ya know?

But even with those downsides, I think its worth it. It at least brings me joy to know that there was a point in my life where I cared about someone so much. To feel things this intensely. And that someone cared for me just as much. And even if I do get hurt, I’ll hopefully have you guys to help me through it.

