Top Five Hamilton Songs!!11!1

Kinship Dies in Darkness
1 min readAug 13, 2017
  1. Non-Stop (A bombing, blaring ode to Hamilton and his legendary productivity. The endcap for the first half of the show, it includes samples from the best of the previous 23 songs)
  2. Dear Theodosia (Makes Aaron Burr one of the most sympathetic, tragic villains I’ve seen)
  3. The Room Where It Happens (A slinking then bouncy glance into the well of Aaron Burr’s pain)
  4. Cabinet Battle #2 (a mf cabinet meeting depicted as a rap battle. c’mon how could anybody not drool over this)
  5. Right Hand Man (because of that one line where Washington says “Can I be rill (NOT ‘real’! Rill.) a second?”)

